Anxiety: Liver, Adrenals, Psychoimmunology talks ('til 9A Sun PST)


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
It's our Encore Replay Day - Part 1!

Here are your speakers of the day (available from 9am PST today until 8:59am PST tomorrow)

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND
"The hidden master organ: Why treating your liver is fundamental to anxiety and depression"
  • Why the liver is the hidden master organ and defining a sluggish liver
  • The role of lactate and the liver and how this contributes to anxiety
  • How the liver affects thyroid hormones
  • Dietary factors that improve the liver and the ones that make it more sluggish
  • A form of breathing that massages the liver
  • Homeopathics, antioxidants and herbs for a sluggish liver
  • The benefits of using a castor oil pack
  • The importance of organic psychotherapy, family constellations, de-stressing, meditation, and exercise
Dr. Alan Christianson, ND
"Adrenals - Master glands of anxiety / tranquility"
  • Why the adrenals regulate the anxiety response
  • Why some are more prone to anxiety than others
  • How to know if your adrenals are healthy
  • Testing your adrenal function
  • The difference between adrenal dysfunction and disease
  • How your diet and daily habits stress your adrenals
  • The best ways to heal your adrenal glands
Dr. Kelly Brogan MD
"Psychoneuroimmunology, the new psychiatry"
  • The role of inflammation in anxiety and depression
  • Hormones and where the endocrine system fits in
  • Where inflammation comes from
  • What a healthy microbiome looks like
  • Natural lifestyle interventions to reverse symptoms and favorite nutraceuticals
  • Why psychiatrists don’t know about this
Julie Matthews, CNC
"Fermented foods and probiotics for anxiety and depression: The practical and the research"
  • Types of fermentations
  • Health benefits of probiotics and fermentations
  • Research on probiotics and anxiety/depression/brain health/autism
  • Probiotic supplements
  • Prebiotics and why some people can’t use them
  • Who might have trouble with fermented foods and why
  • Steps and tips on making fermented foods and beverages
This is your link to listen to the interviewsHere is your link to listen to the interviews of the above speakers.

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Senior Member
i am so sorry to have missed the other webinars in this summit. I think this is one of the most relevant ones in this "Summit Fever 2014". It debunks psychiatry, psychanalisys and psychology all at once