Antibody Levels


Senior Member
Hello everybody,

I'm a new member of this forum, and I am so glad I found it. I've been given a lot of help and advice in the last three days, so thank you very much to all of you. I really appreciate your informative insights and kind support.

In June 2016, I contracted a disease, from which I have never really recovered (maybe EBV).
My story:

I would like to raise a question in regard to the antibodies of the CFS/ME related diseases EBV and Coxsackievirus. I can't find solid information on the Internet, so I'd like to ask you about your antibody levels.

My levels are:

EBV Early Antigen 19,4 (E/ml)
EBV VCA Igm-AK <10 (negative)
EBV VCA IgG-AK 71,4 (E/ml)

Normal levels according to the lab:
EBV Early Antigen => normal <10
EBV VCA Igm-AK => normal <20
EBV VCA IgG-AK => normal <20
EBV EBNA IgG-AK (EIA) => normal <20

Coxsackie A/B IgG-EIA negative
Coxsackie A/B IgA-EIA negative

Coxsackie is negative in the serum, but I was to learn in the forum that it is possible to have a chronic coxsackie infection without having elevated serum antibodies. By contrast, a proper diagnosis requires a Neutralization Test ( many thanks for the information to @Hip ). Regarding CMV and HHV-6, my levels are negative or only slightly elevated.

For those having CFS/ME related to EBV, what are/were your antibody levels, and when would you speak of high levels, respectively? Did your antibody levels go down after antiviral medication? It seems my Early Antigen levels are only slightly elevated, but what about my EBNA and IgG levels?

I'm posting these questions since I have been undergoing an antiviral treatment with Valaciclovir according to Dr. Lerner for four days now. However, I had to realise that EBV might not be the problem and coxsackie could be the cause of my condition instead.

All suggestions and thoughts are very welcome. Thank you very much in advance!

Best wishes and all the best to you

Johnny Minnesota

P.S.: Besides vitamin C infusions and vitamin b injections every now and then, here is something that has done good to me: Every day I make myself a tea from ginger (rub it into a jar), curcuma and add some honey, if you like. Ginger and curcuma work as natural antivirals, and the tea tastes fantastic. Please make sure that you put the honey into the tea when it has cooled down to approx. 50 degrees Celsius (=drinkable temperature). Honey should not be heated too long as it can produce toxins when being heated up for a a longer time.

vision blue

Senior Member
I cannot speak to ebv since my herpes poisin seems to be reccurren hsv1 or zoster. rather than ebv

But if you don't mind my asking about the Vitamin C infusions you mention, can you elaborate on them? What kind of doc did you get to order it and was he/she expensive and/or covered by insurance? What kinds of effects did it have on you? right away? delayed?

since i may also have a mast cell disorder, am concrned i might not tolerate the vit C infusions. but i can't seem to tolerate it orally and i have massive oxidative stress and depleted glutathione so thought maybe iv would be an option.

do you know if there is a standard type of vit c that's used for infusions? any preservatives? hell, even the tubing i might react to. Thanks. If you don't want to derail this thread, i guess maybe we can discuss it in a different thread or thru PM.


Senior Member

No problem, I'll answer in this thread. I'm from Germany, and I received the Vitamin C infusion from a so called "Heilpraktiker", so a healer or natural health professional. You don't need a prescription, but you have to pay for the infusion if your insurance doesn't cover it. It took either 7.5 or 15 gramm Vitamin C in a saline solution. Here's a link to the Vitamin C product I used: It's called Pascorbin

I found a study by the Riordan clinic in Wichita according to which Vitamin C infusion lowered the EBV antibody levels and helped the patients recover:

Sometimes my natural health professional give me Vitamin B12 injections additionally.

Well, it helped in that I usually felt a bit fitter and more comfortable after the Vitamin C infusion. I can't say I have recovered through Vitamin C, but I'm sure it helped me... Linus Pauling knew it a long ago :)

Best wishes


vision blue

Senior Member
Thanks much. Will look it up. I'm in the US - insurance does not cover it. i pay a near fortunre for insurance but it does not cover any of the the things that are helpful for me or that I can tolerate.

7 grams? wow, that's alot.

would be interesting to see some before and after measures of oxidative stress to see if that changes at all.

yes, is intersting that linus pauling is getting a renewed interest now after many years. I forget why people ended up losing enthusiasm in his claims.

am about to post a message on immune markers IGG sublcasses. Might be of interest to you given the virus stuff.


Senior Member
Hey, thanks a lot!

I didn't have any measurements after the infusions, but I felt better afterwards. High-dose vitamin C infusions have a positive impact of the immune system in that the vitamin C causes a boost of immunologic activities...

Please be careful that you tolerate the infusion and the vitamin. I have never had problems, though.

Best wishes


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
I had high dose vitamin C for cancer and it was helpful. I also had high dose IV vitamin C for chronic EBV, HHV6, and CMV and it did not help, I believe as my immune system was not working well by that point.

All my EBV titers were negative, except I had VCA IgG of 660 AND a positive PCR which tests for the DNA of the EBV. My doctor, a top specialist, said he'd never seen anyone with that combination of labs but the positive PCR showed I had it.

Going on Valcyte cleared my brain fog within a month. I also have been on IVIG for immunodeficiency and autoimmunity.

I do take 9g orally of vitamin C in 3 3g doses, to help recycle glutathione as I have the oxidative stress. I have MCAS and am allergic to corn which most ascorbic acid is derived from, so I take either fruit or cassava-based C. There is non corn vitamin C available in the US for IV.

vision blue

Senior Member
Hi. Thanks to both of you.

I have to look up to refresh my memory of which one the VCA antibody is. (I know igg as opposed to iga often means past rather than current infeciton but of course is more complicated than that). Just wondering what lead to being able to order the ebv pcr. Was it of blood? or did you have some lesions? I've tried getting lesions Pcr'd for both zosster and simplex 1 but mistimed it and mostly they don't open up anymore to get a sample. One done of mouth sores was negative, Yeah, i've had infectiuos disease docs calaim they havent' seen my pattern, but docs with more thought have said with my peculiar immune system (e..g AI diseases), one might get non-textbook stuff.

I don't think i'm allergic to corn but with suspected mast cell, i react to so much.

it soulds like we have a bunch in common and some overlapping illnesses.

have been offered ivig and they'll even let me do sub q ig which i prefer, but i've been balking. it's a crap shoot how will effect me.

with the vit c, so far, they all bother my esophogaus.

was that the vancylcovir you were on? I could not tolerate that either. really screwed up my gut and has never recovered. it helped alot when i risked it though.

vision blue

Senior Member
Since you've had some immune testing, have you had IgG sublasses done? If yes, would be interested to here your numbers. Thanks.