Antibiotic enema for Blasto...risky?


Senior Member
I have been struggling to eradicate blasto hominis infection for many years. It ended up being so long as early on when I first did treatment I did not have follow up stool tests as they were quite expensive. I realise there are are a number of syb-types of this parasite, with only some being pathogenic. I basically have IBS and numerous food intolerances, stomach pain, inability to put on weight, feel better when I take laxatives or fast, that I am going to assume it is impacting on my health and I want to finally see a poop test that is negative for BH.

I have done special diets, natural supplements and a number of ABx (the highly recommended expensive ones) courses for it. I feel I am going to have to fly interstate and have operation where antibiotics are placed up high in the bowel by gastroenterologist. I am not working full time due to health so saving $ is a priority + I am a bit wary of an operation after 2 people I know recently had one and complain they are not the same cognitively from the anesthetics, and I certianly dont want any further decline there for me.

I am going to run this past my doctor when I see him next, but in the meantime I was interested in any feedback from this site, on a DIY approach using enemas, or a colonic followed by ABx infused and retained enema...not just the one day, but for a number of days. Is there a higher risk of negative consequences taking ABx that way..I'm thinking greater damage to good bacteria. Any advice, links much appreciated.


Senior Member
Have you seen this list of Blastocystis hominis elimination protocols, some of which have proven to have a 100% success rate in studies?


Senior Member
Hi Hip, yeh I had seen that great post, but forgotten the 100% protocol was enema infusion. I thought the best method was colonoscopy. That's good then that just one enema infusion is worthwhile protocol but those were high doses of ABx. I'm not sure yet what ABx my doc will go with as I have tried those listed a couple of times already.and am wary of throwing hundreds more $ down the toilet. I was going to take high dose allicin with my next attempt + biofilm busters.My last attempt I took the probiotic S.Boulardii post ABx, and it made no difference which was a shame.

I see you had BH and a custom protocol that I assume it worked. Had you already tried those protocols listed higher up on that linked page, and so ended up with your own version?
Also can I ask what was the biggest change health wise you noticed after getting the all clear on BH + did you know it was getting killed when you were on your treatment or only some time afterwards?

Thanks for the links on that other article, as I can print them out for my doctor
Thanks for your reply.


Senior Member
I see you had BH and a custom protocol that I assume it worked.

I have not been tested for Blastocystis hominis, but when my severe IBS-D first appeared, it came along with some anxiety symptoms, and so I wondered whether something like Blasto might be the cause. So I tried out a few Blasto protocols to see if they would improve symptoms, but unfortunately they did not.