anti-histamine caused constipation


Senior Member
Because I have high Dopamine I get constipated easily. I take Serotonine precursor 5-HTP for this and it works. Bowel movements twice a day, on a no fiber diet.

Last month all motility stopped and I was constipated. It was because I was taking anti-histamines. They hinder acetylcholine-receptors in the intestines?

Just wanted to let you know.

PS I have high dopamine because I'm homozygous for MAO A and MAO B enzym. I should also have high serotonin because of this but somehow this is only in my brain, not in my gut.

PS2 people don't need fibre for gut functionality. Only when proven to be a problem. I eat low residue + FODMAP + low tyramine. Basically I eat egg yokes, cream, licorices, broth, gelatine, cake, sashimi, sour creme and custard. And body builder's protein.