Thanks sushi,
How are you doing on the GcMAF? I know that there is a very long thread on it but it's daunting to start reading it from start to finish. If you have a couple of minutes can you tell me how long you have been on it? Do you feel any positive response? Do you have adverse reactions especially in the beginning? Lastly, are you taking it alone or with Nexavir? Anything else?
I would appreciate any information.
Thank you,
Hi Nielk,
It is hard to summarize and also hard to know what is going on "under the surface." And the spreadsheet is great but I don't think many of us remember to update it regularly and it only reveals some basics
I am due for my 20th injectionof GcMAF today--that is 20 weeks. I took GcMAF on its own for 17 or 18 weeks and then added daily Nexavir, Hydrox B12 injections, VSL-3 and I've done one of three scheduled courses of antibiotics for the gut.
So it is sometimes hard to separate what agent is responsible for what symptom change. While I was taking GcMAF alone, I definitely felt progression in my level of stamina and ability to handle more physcial activity--I could be out doing errands for hours with no PEM.
Adding Nexavir and the other things is adding other elements to the picture. I noticed within a couple of days, more detox, probably die-off and more days of just not feeling so good. As Nexavir works, in some ways, as an antiviral and I am loaded with them, I'd guess I am struggling with some effects of dealing with viruses. My immune system tests very over-active and at the same time not very functional.
I am probably also stimulating the methylation system with the addition of these new elements and I have worked with it more directly before and always got a lot of detox symptoms. I'd guess this is happening again.
Though I have a few more days a week that I don't feel so good (after the addition of Nexavir and the others), I find that I can still do a full hour of an intense pilates class followed by errands, without suffering after-effects. So I'd guess that the GcMAF is continuing to benefit me but I am now also dealing with increased detox/die-off.
I am (according to Redlabs) a low responder on both Fok and BSM in the Vit D receptor. Because of this, KDM thought I would need a lot more weeks of GcMAF to really tell how much it was helping me. On that schedule, I am possibly about half way through the GcMAF injections but will need Nexavir and other things much longer.
I imagine that at some point I will have some retests to check for changes that I can only guess at now from how I feel.
Best wishes,