Ammonia and sulphur testing

I thought it would be way better to ask here, I searched for it at first but still not getting clear answers.

When one wants to test for ammonia and sulphur in the body at a lab.

Are those both urine tests or 1 urine and 1 blood and in that case which ones?

Are the tests called anything in particular? like test for serum ammonia and serum sulphur?



Senior Member
Ventura, CA
I don't know about sulphur but I can tell you ammonia tests can be pretty inaccurate, it is good for reference if it is abnormally high, but there can be results that show low ammonia despite very high levels in different organs of the body.

Example, some people have ammonia build up from liver and kidney issues, and infections of the digestive tract. This can be shown with higher amounts of ammonia in the urine, it is an a normal spot of ammonia detoxification for the most part so easier to track, however supplements can also raise ammonia levels in urine among other things so be aware of that too. There are other infections that can cause ammonia build up in other organs which can be much harder to catch though.

In my own experience it is well thought but not proven that ammonia is a huge issue in lyme disease, specifically ammonia in the brain, though a test may show elevated ammonia in the body it is harder to find the levels that could be specific to other body parts.

Why is ammonia and sulfur an issue in your case? I do not know too much about testing, but plenty in ways to de tox it depending on the cause.

Let me know and I could give you some good ideas


p.s. I don't mean to imply test is not worth it, I think its excellent in getting a better idea of what could possibly be going on inside.. Just be aware that using certain vitamins and supplements can give false high levels, and that low ammonia results may not be showing the whole picture.

Ammonia is urine, sulfur can be urine too but I don't know how the blood tests check either of them. Usually a chelating agent is used to push it out and then test the amount in the urine.
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Hi Todd thanks for your extensive reply

I am sensitive to both garlic and onion hence the sulphur test. Therefor the sulphur test is prio before ammonia. The ammonia test is more of ruling out other things. I dont have a lyme disease.

Plus there's stomach problems too, I might have some leaky gut issues and that's what concerns me right now the most.

I know too how to detox as I have been reading more lately about leaky gut issues but it would be great to have a test that can show something is abnormal with me. Because today according to tests im as healthy as an elite sporter.

As I wrote this post the mailman knocked on my door and delivered both molybdenum and stomach enzymes :)

And you didnt know much about sulphur, right.

Do you know if sulphur can get wild after one has taken glutamine?

I know ammonia had something to do with glutamine but not the other.
The sensitivity to sulphur does not have to mean it's high it could be low too. That's why I want to do some testing to stop speculating.
if youre tests all come back healthy as a horse, like mine did, try testing your Hcy and see if its high or B2 or B6 to see if they're low and see how close to low your B12 is as those are notoriously false positives admits the US gov. my B12 was borderline in US thus off charts low in EU/Japan and my B2 was off charts low - both anticipated per literature, so i had an MD order mthfr mutant gene test - that was 'positive' as expected, then got $69-99 SNPs raw files ala 23me and found i have to first deal with CBS +/- sulfur/amonia hence stumbling onto this page, even MDs who say all this gene stuff is crap agree that high Hcy and low Bs must be dealt with, so it was a good starting point.