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Aldehyde Toxicity in Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Therapeutic Potential of Micronutrient Supplementation

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
This review article is very interesting as it puts forward an hypothesis regarding the buildup of aldehydes...and role in Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The article includes treatment recommendations focused on increasing sulpher-containing antioxidents. Some of the information reviewed here may be of overlapping interest to those of us with ME.



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Texas Hill Country
@Rufous McKinney - thanks for posting. This was very interesting, and even more so because I have almost all of the same micronutrient deficiencies, except for zinc - though I don't have autism. But it is intriguing all the same - I've read about similarities between ME/CFS and autism before, and there do appear to be commonalities.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
This is a really interesting post, Red. The article is dense, but readable if taken in moderate bites. It took me a little over an hour to get thru it, which included rest-stops and a call from DB, so I don't think it will be that long for anyone else. I'm particularly slow today, and worried about DB who 'forgot' (husband memory, goes hand in hand with husband hearing) to mention a follow-up Dr appointment today, with potentially disturbing possibilities.

I found the info on neonatal jaundice particularly interesting, for the obvious reason: I was born with neonatal jaundice, which mama told me made me a " ....particularly adorable ..." new-born, eradicating the usual red-faced condition of the newly arrived. The article's info gave me a new view of that, and its possible ramifications in relation to this incredibly unwelcome shambolic houseguest of an illness .....