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Advice needed! - Coming OFF of SSDI - upcoming hearing....

Hi Everybody,

I am posting here to see if somebody more knowledgeable than me about the whole SSDI system can give me some pointers.

Basically, I was awarded SSDI a few years ago (with the great help of a Disability Advocate). About a year ago, Social Security followed up to see if my benefits should still continue. (They said they were going to schedule an evaluation for me, but failed to do that and also immediately "canceled" me (said I was no longer disabled). I immediately appealed that decision, and my benefits remained until they scheduled me for a hearing over the situation. That was about 18 months ago. I was still sick then.

The good news is that all my treatment searches finally brought some major improvement to my health, as of about 6 months ago. In fact, I just started working again. It is about time for me to officially "get off" of SSDI. I know they have a "back to work" program for people coming off of SSDI, but I haven't signed up for that yet.

Now they have me scheduled for a hearing soon, regarding my disputing of my cancellation 18 months ago. I no longer have an Advocate and so I guess I have to go by myself to this hearing. I imagine that I have to show them or justification that AT THE TIME I was still sick, even though I am now better. Right? I understood from my Advocate that even if they decide (at the hearing) that I was no longer disabled 18 months ago, as long as I show them that this was in "good faith" on my part, they won't try to retroactively revoke my benefits for the past 18 months (and bill me for my SSDI payments etc.), right?

I could REALLY use some guidance on this situation. I learned long ago that the whole SSDI system is quite complicated. In fact, if anybody in the know out there was willing, maybe I could give you a phone call for 15 minutes or so if you might be able to give me the basics and answer a few pertinent questions.

Anyone can get in touch with me through here, or PM me, and I will get right back to you with my contact info, etc.

Thanks in advance!!

Atlanta, GA


Patient in training
Google Linda Nee, disability - she is an advocate and she has a blog. You might be able to dig some info or hire her for professional council.

Best of luck.


Senior Member
I really don't have any information for you, but I would recommend that you not go to the hearing without a lawyer, or at the very least advice from a lawyer. I would not trust my fate to people who work for Social Security...they do not have your best interests in mind.