Adenosylcobalamin/B12: 15 pounds lost and counting, therefore mitochondrial issue?

A few months ago I serendipitously tried adenosylcobalamin/adenoB12, the mitochondrial form of B12, after a tip from reading an article by Dr Ben Lynch.

Within a few weeks I noticed I was losing weight, and now a few months later I'm around 15 pounds down without changing anything else. I haven't noticed increased urination, so it's doubtful that most of this is due to "insensible" water loss (as the jargon goes), and it looks like fat loss. I'm almost able to fit into jeans from like eight years ago (36 now).

So, since adenoB12 is for mitochondria, and according to Dr Lynch mitochondrial dysfunction causes fat retention, is this a strong hint that I have a mitochondrial issue? I've had success with acetyl-l-carnitine and ALA as well, and have trouble tolerating thyroid meds even though I'm clinically hypothyroid.


YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Nifty post, @Kierkegaard ..... I dont recall anyone else in these threads posting about mitochondrial B12 (but given both my cognitive and memory functions, who knows) so it's bound to be helpful to a whoooole lotta people.

Thank you for posting it .... am going to look into it, and Dr Lynch's article, since I still seem to be reactive to the B-vits, esp B-12.


Senior Member
Within a few weeks I noticed I was losing weight, and now a few months later I'm around 15 pounds down without changing anything else.

Wow, that is a serendipitous discovery. Ever since being hit with ME/CFS I developed central (abdominal) weight gain. The only way I've been able to reduce this belly fat is by going on a strict diet of only 700 kilocalories per day. And then after about 2 months I will lose around 12 kilos (but within 6 months I put the weight back on again, so the diet is not worth the effort).

I would love to find some magic supplement which will cause me to shed kilos without any dietary effort. I've tried high doses of adenosylcobalamin for some months (from Greg's B12 transdermal oils), but this did not seem to have any effect on my weight.


Senior Member
I would love to find some magic supplement which will cause me to shed kilos without any dietary effort. I've tried high doses of adenosylcobalamin for some months (from Greg's B12 transdermal oils), but this did not seem to have any effect on my weight.

HCG is such magic, but it could be dangerous, although it is researched even as a drug for autoimmune diseases like sjogrens and MS, but i read it can also flare some autoimmune things, .. and also heard some MS people feeling better on it.
all in all, hormones... playing w them , your choice

but when it comes to appetite and shedding kilos withotu effort, i cant imagine anything that works better


Senior Member
Articles such as this one say human chorionic gonadotropin injections do not reduce weight. The weight loss comes from the fact that people who get these injections also drastically reduce their calorie intake.

Exactly. That's what you asked for "shed kilos without dietary effort", - there is almost zero effort to stay on 500 kcal a day while taking HCG, i know from experience! tried it at least 200 days in my life out of which about 170 were so successful i ate only 500kcal without any crisis or appetite. (not saying this is very smart, and no it wasnt 200 days in a row lol)
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Senior Member
Exactly. That's what you asked for "shed kilos without dietary effort", - there is almost zero effort to stay on 500 kcal a day while taking HCG, i know from experience! tried it at least 200 days in my life out of which about 170 were so successful i ate only 500kcal without any crisis or appetite. (not saying this is very smart, and no it wasnt 200 days in a row lol)

Ah OK, I understand. So you are saying that hCG is a big appetite and hunger suppressant, and that facilitates dieting.

Strangely enough, when I did a two month diet of eating just salad, which amounted to only around 700 kcal daily, I had no trouble sticking to that. For the first 3 or 4 days I was craving food and snacks, but then my body just got used to the low calorific intake, and I was able to do 2 months of salad without difficulty. I lost around 12 kilos (26 pounds) in that time, mostly from the abdominal area.

Unfortunately as soon as I went back to my normal diet, I put all that weight back on in 6 months or so. I don't eat excessively on my normal diet; I think it's just dysregulation of the body that causes this abdominal weight gain.

Perhaps long term use of hCG might help, as I would keep me on a low calorific intake.
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Senior Member
Perhaps long term use of hCG might help, as I would keep me on a low calorific intake.

Just to be clear: I dont recommend hCG, it's even dangerous, or better say experimental, in case of autoimmunity... I am just saying it works for appetite. If appetite is not your main problem for extra weight, might not be necessary !?

i know they say men on hCG lose even faster than women, 2lb/day... usually is recommended short rounds. I've seen quite a number of fitness/bodybuilding youtube videos on HCG..