Acylcovir stopped working after I did too much.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I first started on Acyclovir in Sept 2011. I had really good luck on 2400 mgs. I was clearer, had a bit more energy and I could talk without feeling like I ran a marathon. Then in November it hit the fan, my rental condo went into foreclosure, it flooded and it was just a mess. It took me until the end of January to get out and once that was done I was back to square one or less with fatigue, know

Mid March I took a break from the acyclovir until 2 weeks ago when I started back on it. I felt better immediately on 800 mgs. So of course I over did it doing things for 2-3 hours on 3 out of 7 days last week. Now I'm crashed again, can barely move.

So why would my exerting myself cause me to have such a significant setback? I'm going to stay off for a month or so and start again but I'm puzzled. Or do I need to take more acyclovir and not less? Any ideas?

And I don't know if this is relevant but about 2 weeks before this happened I started to have heart palpitations from my trazodone. While trying to figure it out I went back on the acyclovir and within 2 days my heart palpitations were gone and have been since. Some have suggested the viral/heart connection.

Is any of this related to the the above? Nothing else has changed.

Thanks and please don't get all medical and technical. On a good day I can't understand it.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Think u still need to pace yourself. Treating adrenals and other hormone dysfunctions I have found helpful. Also consider famvir or valtrex as lower doses can be used and less frequently too.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
heapsreal. Yeah I did it to myself so now have to figure out how to get back. I'm off for a few weeks unless the tachycardia comes back.

Valtrex is on my list however my doctor won't rx for me so it's expensive to get. My plan is to alternate between the two.

Anything I've tried for my adrenals makes me feel like I'm on speed. Do you have any suggestions? I'm open.


Senior Member
I had to take it easy when I was on Valcyte. Every time I increased my activity, I stopped improving. We have to remember that we are taking these antivirals because we are fighting off serious chronic infections. Antivirals don't kill viruses, they just stop them from replicating. Our bodies still have to kill off virus-infected cells. We need to rest and give our bodies a chance to do that work. We also have healing to do from whatever damage the viruses have done. So again, rest is necessary. It makes sense that overexerting can cause problems if you think about it that way.

It's crazy-making when you start to feel better but still have to rest, isn't it? :)


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
heapsreal. Yeah I did it to myself so now have to figure out how to get back. I'm off for a few weeks unless the tachycardia comes back.

Valtrex is on my list however my doctor won't rx for me so it's expensive to get. My plan is to alternate between the two.

Anything I've tried for my adrenals makes me feel like I'm on speed. Does you have any suggestions? I'm open.
First get all hormones tested by blood and then a 4 times a day cortisol saliva test. But with any hormone treatment for us cfsers, we need to start on very low doses and slowly increase doses. Even when feeling better I think its important after a big day to follow it with an aggressive rest day.


PR activist
So why would my exerting myself cause me to have such a significant setback? I'm going to stay off for a month or so and start again but I'm puzzled. Or do I need to take more acyclovir and not less? Any ideas?
As SOC says, antivirals do not kill the viruses, your immune system does. And being stressed will suppress your immune system. When you're stressed, the immune system goes on "stand by", making you ready to face immediate dangers.

Survival is about priorities. A virus doesn't matter when you've got a lion charging you.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
First get all hormones tested by blood and then a 4 times a day cortisol saliva test. But with any hormone treatment for us cfsers, we need to start on very low doses and slowly increase doses. Even when feeling better I think its important after a big day to follow it with an aggressive rest day.

My big problem is my OCD. Even this morning I was changing the hinges on a cabinet door. That is part of what pushed me over the edge this time. And thinking I was fine to push it a bit.

What hormones are you talking about? I can't really get to the doc right now.

adreno, I took 2 transfer factors this morning instead of 1 and had immediate relief. My brain stopped "pulsating" and I have minimal energy. But 2 hours later it's tapering off. When I tried taking TF in the afternoons it caused tachycardia and kept me up all night, which was odd.

SOC, yes so true. I guess I should be happy with just being able to talk on the phone without feeling like I ran a marathon. It's the little things.

So I'm upping my transfer factor. Hormone testing not doable right now. I'm taking a break from the acyclovir and will start back in a month (that worked last time). And rest and pace myself.

Anything else?


Senior Member
minkeygirl: You might want to be careful with starting and stopping your antiviral. There's potential for developing antiviral resistant strains of viruses. I heard from a doc that parts of the country are seeing Valtrex-resistant strains of viruses that normally respond to Valtrex. No a huge concern, but something you might want to keep in mind.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
SOC, I read somewhere, actually think it was here somewhere, that it was actually ok to stop and take a break. In fact one doctor recommended it. It was also suggested to alternate with Valtrex which is sort of my plan. I started taking 2 Transfer Factors today and that is helping a bit.

BTW, the reason I'm going off is because it totally stopped working, ie making me feel better. When it happened the last time I stayed on it for 3 months after the stressful situation was over and I never got to feeling better. What helped was stopping it for 2 months then going back on. That's what my aim is.


Senior Member
SOC, I read somewhere, actually think it was here somewhere, that it was actually ok to stop and take a break. In fact one doctor recommended it. It was also suggested to alternate with Valtrex which is sort of my plan. I started taking 2 Transfer Factors today and that is helping a bit.

BTW, the reason I'm going off is because it totally stopped working, ie making me feel better. When it happened the last time I stayed on it for 3 months after the stressful situation was over and I never got to feeling better. What helped was stopping it for 2 months then going back on. That's what my aim is.

Sounds like you have a plan and understand what you're doing. That's what's important. :)