Able to function with Epsom Salts baths. The affect on methylation??

Hi All,

I have been working Rich's protocol since 2006. My problem is hair dye blocking my mito function.

I have seen some improvement, but was really able to have a life when I added Epsom Salts baths, twice a week.

I know this is sulfur and I have tried other forms of magnesium in the bath, but the Epsom Salts is what really makes me feel human again.

What I have noticed with this, is the gut takes the hit, from to much sulfur. High yeast!

I have tried to ease myself off the Epsom Salts and find I cannot function at all.

So I am trying to be functional, treat the gut and still doing the methylation protocol.

In effect, fighting on three fronts!

I would like to know, if the overboard of sulfur from the baths, is going to slow down methylation to a great extent??

I know everyone is trying to stay away from sulfur.

My genova detox profile, showed I do not have a gene on the glutathione chromosome. It is called null allele.

I would be so grateful for any help!



Senior Member
This is fascinating. I know magnesium deficiency is huge with with a lot of other conditions like hypothyroidism. Could it just be that the magnesium is finally bioavailable from the salt baths and you now have a sufficient amount?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Rich had a thread discussing whether or not we could tolerate epsom salts baths. You might look it up--sorry I don't remember the issues re: these baths that he was interested in.

This is fascinating. I know magnesium deficiency is huge with with a lot of other conditions like hypothyroidism. Could it just be that the magnesium is finally bioavailable from the salt baths and you now have a sufficient amount?

I have used magnesium chloride in the bath and get a lift from that type of magnesium.

But it is no where as good as from the Epsom Salts! I don't think it has as much to do with the magnesium as it does the sulfur.

I think I am ill, because I do not have a glutathtione gene and I do need the sulfur!

There is a balance for me in there somewhere. And I am trying to find it. I know with the Epsom Salts, I have to much sulfur because I have major yeast.

I did recover in early 2013 and was going to the gym everyday. Back on my feet. But then had a relapse.

So I am wondering how much this will slow down methylation???

Thank you so much for the help.


Rich had a thread discussing whether or not we could tolerate epsom salts baths. You might look it up--sorry I don't remember the issues re: these baths that he was interested in.


Thanks Sushi for the reply. Yes, Rich was just getting into the Epsom salt issue when we lost him. He was concerned about the hydrogen sulfide in the gut. I have looked at those posts and was on Rifaximin, hoping it would help with my gut issues.

I can't take Rifaximin, major distress in the gut.

So I am going to try oregano oil for the gut issue.

Rich felt if you could tolerate the Epsom Salts to do them. But I don't think at that point, he had not realized that some of us has genes that have a problem with suflur.

Yasko: Comp, CBS, MTHFR, and the SUOX. So the CBS and SUOX give me major issues with sulfur. Damm if you do, dammed if you don't!

I appreciate any help!
