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Abit of a crash maybe??


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I have been doing quite well of late, yesterday i felt abit off, had plans to do more but it just turned into good intentions. Then last light i had a crap sleep, wide awake at 3am its now 1pm here and i feel like crap, dont have good intentions today, just bumming around. It doesnt take much to throw us off course and when doing well u try to remain positive that u will keep improving, hopefully its just a hiccup which i think it is and an extra dose of meds to get some descent sleep hopefully improves things for tomorrow. Its always so many steps forward and so many steps back, just to remind us to be careful that this dam thing is still with us.



Senior Member
I'm not sure if it is the same for you, Heaps but if I have a really crap sleep for no obvious reason it's usually because I've caught a bug doing the rounds and it's just how it starts sometimes. With ME we can go through times of experiencing typical viral symptoms and then times of "just" feeling crap with poor sleep but not the obvious viral ones doing the rounds.

Hope you sleep better tonight!


Senior Member
Sorry to hear that, heaps! I've been there, too, so I empathize. Sometimes all it takes is a bad night's sleep. On the other hand, maybe all it will take to get you back on your feet. We can hope. :D


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
I hope things improve for you heapsreal. A vege out day once in a while is probably a good thing anyway, even for healthy people. There are lots of reasons that can induce crashes though, excessive activity is only one of them.

If something disturbs my sleep on successive then I slowly decline, if I get no sleep I decline fast. Do take naps if you can, even if its just a light doze - it doesn't really compensate for lack of good sleep but it takes the edge off.

Bye, Alex


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I hope things improve for you heapsreal. A vege out day once in a while is probably a good thing anyway, even for healthy people. There are lots of reasons that can induce crashes though, excessive activity is only one of them.

If something disturbs my sleep on successive then I slowly decline, if I get no sleep I decline fast. Do take naps if you can, even if its just a light doze - it doesn't really compensate for lack of good sleep but it takes the edge off.

Bye, Alex

i lost my ability to nap during the day a few years ago, bugger. Not that im back to normal activity but i think i may have just been going outside my boundaries, lets say im testing them ( i stuffed up, lol) but i have been improving of late and i suppose maybe my boundaries have increased, i just dont really know where they are i suppose. Insomnia is that symptom i get which tells me im over doing it and need to rest and a night with little sleep makes me feel even worse, when it hits its to late to do anything but ride it out. I had warning signs but didnt realise it till 3am this morning. I have been horizontal most of the day, panadol for the headaches and i plan to go to bed early with some sleep meds. The bad thing is that i start my run of shifts/work tomorrow, so my next days off i will be resting up.

When horizontal i decided to watch the 'voices from the shadows' , those poor buggers have ME bad, with no medical help. Im doing pretty well compared to them, always someone worse off.

thanks for well wishes,


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Its always so many steps forward and so many steps back,

Up and down and dodging the curveballs the illness throws at us, is certainly all part of the parcel of it.

The bad thing is that i start my run of shifts/work tomorrow, so my next days off i will be resting up.

I hope if you are still not up to your normal ME/CFS self by then, that you will take a day or so off. Worst thing you could do if you arent as good as you usually are is to push it as "I have to work."
Having to take a day or two off of work is much better then ending up having no choice but to take a week or two off.

best luck


Senior Member
I've had a couple of those days also, as a result of a stress test which I routinely do to see where I stand with treatment plus not wanting/being able to really rest.
I try and look at it as information that my body gives me in order to move further forward, so I know there's more work to do and don't get lazy.


Senior Member
I've been sleeping really badly, and I can't nap either. So I've started meditating again - 3x a day, about a half hour each. I lie down, shut my mind off, and get as profoundly relaxed as possible.

This makes an amazing difference in how my day goes.

I hope you're already feeling better!


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
well i finally went to bed last night and got 7 hours sleep, i dont think i moved, woke up in the same position type sleep, see how the day pans out. Nose is abit sniffly, better not be those dam sinisues?? See how today pans out.

Madie i just cant seem to really meditate but will just lie in bed when feeling crappy, helps some just being horizontal and just not really concentrating on anything, i dont know, just go through bad runs of sleep i guess.



Senior Member
hope you feel better and sleep well tongiht...lack of sleep can really make you hurt worse also...maybe change in weather causing you to crash?
agian hope you feel better soon have a great weekend


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
i'm glad you got some sleep, heaps... i hope your shifts go well and your nose is ok. tc


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i think its sinuses again, post nasal drip hitting me, been on antibiotics for awhile doxy twice a day, recently lowered it to once a day, mmm, this happened last time i cut my doxy back, maybe need an immune system transplant. Doxy twice a day works well anything less and im crap i guess


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
So i cranked the doxy up to 200mg twice a day for a few days and now back to 100mg twice a day. Now got the buggers under control, facial pain gone and sleep is better again as well as general lethargy greatly improved. I think its just the immune defiency/nk function why this keeps happening when off doxy. At the moment i will just have to keep taking it until i find a good way to improve nk function, somehow?? So trying immunovir is on the cards, maybe alternate it with cycloferron or both together, been a couple of months since used cyclo.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
So i cranked the doxy up to 200mg twice a day for a few days and now back to 100mg twice a day. Now got the buggers under control, facial pain gone and sleep is better again as well as general lethargy greatly improved. I think its just the immune defiency/nk function why this keeps happening when off doxy. At the moment i will just have to keep taking it until i find a good way to improve nk function, somehow?? So trying immunovir is on the cards, maybe alternate it with cycloferron or both together, been a couple of months since used cyclo.


Glad to hear you got things back under control. I really hate all the pill popping we have to do to control symptoms.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Glad to hear you got things back under control. I really hate all the pill popping we have to do to control symptoms.

yes, i just wrote down everything i take, man its a list, but it all helps in some way or another. It would be good if we could positive think ourselves better but it aint going to happen.
