A question.. about number 2s


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Someone I know (it REALLY is someone I know and not myself) was telling me that they have a strange symptom...

they'd had a bowel accident which had the strange after effect of it actually bleached their knickers where the accident had been (and no she didnt soak them afterwards in bleach so it wasnt that which bleached the colour out of her panties).

She's assumed from that that her feaces must be very very acidic. Could anything else cause a bowel motion to take the colour out of ones pants?

(I just wanted to ask as this is someone who Im close to and this symptom just sounds so so strange).


Senior Member
Hmmm.... That is an odd one.

I've certainly heard about acidic poop, particularly when it passes through too quickly for the bile acids to be re-absorbed like they should be (comes out kind of yellow/orange, and burny).

But bleach itself is strongly basic, not acidic. I'm not sure what acid does to clothes. Vinegar seems okay on them, doesn't it?

Does her poop burn? Does it have an odd colour? (because I'm sure you'd like nothing better than to discuss further poop-related details with your friend. :)) Maybe somebody else has experience with this. I'm the first to admit I've had weird poop (that's right, World. My poop is weird! ;) ), but nothing like that.


Senior Member
Hi, tania.

Was there an ammonia smell involved? Some dysbiotic bacteria in the gut produce a lot of ammonia. Not sure what that does to panties!:) This calls for some research? Any volunteers?

Best regards,



Senior Member
Sth Australia
Does her poop burn? Does it have an odd colour?

She did say it does burn... she didnt mention anything about its colour to me so I dont know about that.

Was there an ammonia smell involved? Some dysbiotic bacteria in the gut produce a lot of ammonia. Not sure what that does to panties!:) This calls for some research? Any volunteers?

She didnt mention anything about odd smells other then it really reeks. I'll ask her next time we speak if it smells like ammonia.

Is anyone here who has a lot of dysbiotic bacteria willing to share if that bleaches panties in events of accidents?

Ive been doing some research on some of her other symptoms (she isnt lactose intollerant but has heaps of trouble if she drinks milk and has other food issues possibly gluten) and I suspect that she may have issues with DPP IV enzyme... which peptides made by abnormal intestinal flora may be the cause... so maybe dysbiotic bacteria?