A collection of brain and head,eye,ear symptoms. Anyone same?

Okay, I am treating this CFS likes it's from a bacteria co infection of mycoplasmas and other things.

Dr. Garth Nicolson's protocol of antibiotic therapy for CFS, Auto immune etc. I am using 2x 100mg of doxycycline daily and certain supps.

I had a deflated saline implant in me. Oct 2010 when it leaked almost all the way down, I had broken sleep come in a 48 hour period. With tinnitis and coated tongue, blurry vision, memory problems. Just those for a while.

Breasts saline implants explanted Oct 2011. More symptoms came in 3 months before explant in July of 2011 and matured in a 8 week period fast fast and strong. Inflammed knee joints, bone pain, fever ish, hot sweats day and night, hand numbing, body tremors, weak. Brain fog bad and thick feeling in head. Stuttering to talk sometimes. Understanding is hard now. Very forgetful even with conceptualizing difficulties.

Now pain down but knees still inflammed. Sweats gone. Hand numbing less. Flu ish weak still with my neuro stuff.

I have these head eye symptoms that are rending me so disoriented.

Questions: 1)Anybody have a coated tongue? It's not Candida, and I eat clean being a fitness girl before sick. Take coconut oil and more anyway. I have a terrible taste in my mouth and it's like the whole mouth is sticky coated. His symptom list has the coated tongue, I was so surprised. And numbness stuff and all of my others. But I've not been on this forum to ask if anyone has experienced this. His list.

My middle ears I move the muscles inside and I can always feel and hear a sticky clicky. 2) Anyone with this?

Rapid rapid non stop thought process. Not psychological. 3) Anyone hit this way?

My eyes feel fevered sometimes and grainey vision. 4) Anyone with this?

Tinnitis and head noise loud. I know that is common.

These eye ear brain symptoms are like there is a coating in/on them. And it makes my brain feel, coated. Strange physical symptoms. And rapid thoughts from the physical side. Non stop. Not psychological like meditation could cure it. It's like something hit me neurologically. No sleep of course.


Senior Member
Questions: 1)Anybody have a coated tongue?

This can indicate a lot of things. For my fiance, it was the only sign that he had developed diabetes. I suggest asking a doctor about the tongue.

Rapid rapid non stop thought process. Not psychological. 3) Anyone hit this way?

I had this, probably due to high levels of glutamate (tested). N-acetylcysteine has fixed it for me.
Hi Valintijn. Okay, it seems this coated tongue is a sign of a few things. I did ask my new doctor I got returning back to Canada. She came to me with the "treating symptoms" method and kept saying "just scrape it off." I finally got her on the page, I don't treat symptoms, I look for causes to treat. So I got a Candida test, neg. Aspergillus antibody test as some women get this from implants. No results yet. And sent my blood not 2 hours ago to NV to test for mycoplamas. Results in 2-3 weeks. Okay, I'll keep testing trial and error. Sorry to hear about the news with your boyfriend as well.

I am going to check this NAC out as well. I answered your post to me on that on the insomnia thread. Thankyou.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I just wanted to let you know that there is another who also had a saline breast implant leak and now has bad medical issues which seem related to the leak due to timing of it all. I assume I came across that other at this site as I rarely hang out in other sites.. but it was quite a time ago thou (2-3 years back).


Senior Member
I have had a white coated tongue for the last few months. Doc said it is not Candida, but gave me antifungal and doxy which did nothing for me. I had been taking NAC for a few days before the coated tongue symptom appeared, and at first felt it was somehow related to NAC, so I stopped taking it, but noticed no change .Please update this thread if you found any answer to this problem.Thanks.
Hi Taniaaust1!!
Thanks for coming by. Before I came here I went to a breast support forum. There as so so many of us nationally, globally. I started to research online as those of us getting Sjogren's diagnosis, CFS, Lupus didn't make sense in that "what" is causing these? It was eye opener to find some of this is from bacterias and some from siliconosis or a combo. To learn that people can get these diseases and MAYBE it's treatable but they are not given info breaks my heart.

I found abstracts showing you DON'T even need a leak. Any implant, wether it be saline breast, silicone breast, hip replacement etc, can form mycoplasma, or other bacteria plus the more difficult to treat biofilm bacterias colonies AROUND the implants and make people sick. The protective biofilm colonies hard to break through to penetrate.

That said, it's all over the net. As usual, it's not the implants we're told. There is so much testimony going on right now between FDA who is listening to stories from women and listening to and reading info from auto immune docs. Even the doctors proving this happens, are getting a hard time. Lot's is being dismissed from the women's testimony. Wow.

Sara, so glad you came by. Thankyou. I can't believe you too huh? Doxy nothing? How long were you on it? I corresponded at great length with Dr. Nicolson over this last week, man is he a KIND man, and he said it can be slow slow. Geeze.............no anwers.

Okay, you thought it was NAC but no. Check this out, in Oct 2010, I lost sleep as it went to broken in 48 hours. I remember exactly when it happened. When the last stage of my leak came out. I saw it go down fast at the end. The beginning took quite some time so I didn't catch it. I got strange neuro symptoms, got tinnitis, AND COATED TONGUE.It happened so fast. I had been recovering from something else so thought it was that. Now I know that signaled the beginning of my CFS symptoms.

I'll let you know if I find out anything. Oh, coated tongue is a symptom in the link above.


Senior Member
I was on Doxy and antifungals for more than 2 weeks. Coated tongue was very new to me after being ill with CFS for many years.
I'm very sorry you've been sick with this for many years and that the coated tongue was new. I hate it. It tastes strange, the whole "habitat" in my mouth feels and tastes awful.

Do you think maybe it could have been too short a treatment with the Doxy? In his info on it, it says many don't notice any improvement until the after the first 6 week course and into the second 6 week run. And relapse if they notice a difference in 6 week if they then quit, so many take for longer. 6 months at least. A year.

Anyway, I'll see how I do and I'm only on 5 days so I'm taking it for a while. I sure wish there was a clear cut answer. I'm adding an anti-viral supplement. I'll just keep my progress posted then.


Senior Member
Yes, I plan to go on a long course of antibiotics, but first I want to try a bunch of herbal ones , all at the same time.
Okay, I get you. Yes, if one can use just the herbs it's always healthier. I am going to get Olive Leaf for the viral side. It's so expensive to test for much of this and the mycoplasma test was $395.00. All that I can afford. At least for now. So the viral side I'll treat as if I had it, with only herbs. I read many take 450 - 600 mg of Olive Leaf to combat viral infections and yeast in combination with the other. You probably know this already though. I really hope you start to see some improvements signaling you're going in the right direction.


Senior Member
I am now taking garlic, uva ursi, olive leaf extract, oregeno oil, and GSE in high doses. Plan to add cats claw and wormwood to the combo.

Antares in NYC

Senior Member
Brain fog bad and thick feeling in head. Stuttering to talk sometimes. Understanding is hard now. Very forgetful even with conceptualizing difficulties.
That very much describes my experience, every day since I got ME/CFS.
My middle ears I move the muscles inside and I can always feel and hear a sticky clicky. 2) Anyone with this?
Yes! This happens to me all the time, and it's extremely annoying. I get this creaking noise inside the ears all the time. It comes with internal head pressure. It's extremely annoying. Every now and then I get this sense of pressure in my inner ear, and this "clickity click" numb sound. It's extremely annoying at times.
My eyes feel fevered sometimes and grainy vision. Anyone with this?
Yes too! Every single day since that original mono-like infection, I've had this "grainy vision" non-stop. Never went away. Sometimes, when my CFS symptoms get really bad, the visual "graininess" also feels like "waves", like there's waves in my vision, as well as increased light sensitivity.

For instance, if I look at a strong light source, that bright impression would remain in my vision field for a long time. I can close my eyes, and that bright impression remains for a long time.


Senior Member
A chronic white tongue coating (called geographic tongue) appeared on my tongue after catching a virus. This virus also caused my ME/CFS, and many other symptoms, including many mental symptoms (full details of the symptoms of this virus on my website here).

A chronic white tongue coating that is not candida (ie, not oral thrush) is usually geographic tongue. So you likely have geographic tongue. Geographic tongue is also called benign migratory glossitis.

IL-1B polymorphisms are a risk factor for developing geographic tongue. Reference: here.

There is also oral hairy leukoplakia, which is caused by Epstein-Barr virus, though this tends to be located on the sides of the tongue.


Senior Member
Hi Antares in NYC,

Wow: brain fog, forgetfulness, short-term memory, memory deficits is the description of people who live in an electrosmog environment of non-ionised radiation from all the wireless technology of today, such as: Wi Fi computers and modems/routers; mobile phones and towers, Wi Fi hotspots, DECT phones, and smart metres/devices/appliances.

Do you suffer from these symptoms as well: headache, fatigue, tinnitus, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, and whole-body skin symptoms of burning and tingling?

You say that you have a clickity click in the auditory canal, and if you were to block of your ears by placing a finger in each ear, do you hear hum or motor boating-wood pecking sound?

Yes the dry eyes and graininess and the waves across your vision definitely inidcates that you are electro sensitive from microwave radiation.

Do you get any zig-zag lights in your eyes and then later on have a severe headache.

Do you suffer from restlessness at night and find it hard to sleep?

Antares in NYC

Senior Member
Hi Wifi123,

While I'm aware that electromagnetic smog can have an effect on the human body and nervous system, I do not think it's the explanation for CFS. I have travelled a lot, and if this theory was correct, my symptoms would have improved when I was in the countryside, or in the mountains, or when I spent time in the tropical rainforest. My cfs did not go away in those circumstances. The ups and downs, the slight improvements and relapses don't seem to correspond with this theory. They seem to be following a different pattern.

I agree that pollution, both air contamination and electrosmog have effects on the body, and living in a big city doesn't make things any easier, but I don't agree it's the answer to the ME/CFS puzzle. Alternatively, I'm willing to admit that our condition could make us more susceptible to pollution, since our bodies and immune systems are way out of whack.

It also doesn't explain how my girlfriend suddenly got the symptoms of ME/CFS this year, and she's lived surrounded by gadgets, cellphones, and gizmos even longer and more profusely than me. I think the problem lies somewhere else (infectious trigger, immune reaction, etc), independently of how much electromagnetic radiation can affect us.

Antares in NYC

Senior Member
One more thing, Wifi123:
I wanted to respond to the list of symptoms you posted, for reference:

> brain fog, forgetfulness, short-term memory, memory deficits, headache, fatigue, tinnitus, dizziness, irregular heartbeat
Yes, I get these pretty bad, but these are common to ME/CFS and a handful of other conditions.

> whole-body skin symptoms of burning and tingling
No, I don't get those.

You say that you have a clickity click in the auditory canal, and if you were to block of your ears by placing a finger in each ear, do you hear hum or motor boating-wood pecking sound?
When I block both my ears I do hear a hum, yes, but I think it may have to do with internal pressure, blood pressure, as I can hear my heartbeat too.

> dry eyes and graininess and the waves across your vision
No dry eyes, yes to graininess and waves across my vision, but as mentioned above, these are common to many other conditions (including MS, hepatitis, migraines)

> zig-zag lights in your eyes and then later on have a severe headache
No, I don't get these. I do get headaches often, but not those zig zag lights. I have had a couple of migraines in my lifetime that came with aura effects, though.

As I mentioned, while I think the vast amounts of pollution from modern technology certainly have a negative effect in our health, I don't think it's the cause of ME/CFS.


Senior Member
Hi Antares,

I appreciate your comments, but I worked in the military communications field for a very long time, many years, and I am very aware of electrosmog of those days, but the electrosmog of today is a hundred times worse in the public, work, and home place than it was in those days.

Yes electromagnetic radiation and fields does have an effect on the human body and the central nervous system, and it’s also responsible for much of the cancer that my mates have died from over the past decades and including my own battles with similar problems and other illnesses.

I suffered from the late 1960s to the early 1980s before any medical profession decided that I was suffering from ME/CFS and after wireless technology became a force in the 1990s my symptoms became worse and my doctor diagnosed FMS.

I do believe that ME/CFS is the secondary illness and many sufferers were already suffering from a form of electro sensitivity from EMR and EMF long before ME/CFS was penned, and then the secondary antagoniser came along, such as viral, bacterial, chemical, mould, and any other environmental factor that made those symptoms worse.

Yes, I travelled around the countryside for many years, and passed a multitude of microwave transmission networks all the way along those country roads that where hidden on top of hills and mountains and the countryside roads and areas were still being bombarded and nuked microwave radiation, including the radiation from the electronic and electrical field within the interior of the car.

I can agree with your thought about a countryside environment because I moved to an island environment for three years, no mobile phones or towers, and within three months I was healed. I couldn’t believe it as I had no idea why I was healed, but, my healing soon fell into a heap when I returned to the mainland three years later, and came back into the mainland electrosmog and all my symptoms returned. They returned slowly, and over the years as wireless technology increased in our area my symptoms became worse. It was 2000 when I became aware of the radio wave and microwave sickness after reading a Russian medical article in a magazine. This sickness is now referred to as EHS today.

I didn’t say it’s the answer to the ME/CFS puzzle, but said that many of ME/CFS sufferers are suffering from being nuked and bombarded by microwave, and is part of the puzzle. And if they would turn OFF all their whiz-bang technology and stop radiating, nuking, bombarding their body with non-ionised radiation they might feel much better.

All people react differently to any antagoniser, and it has taken all that time with your girlfriend to nuke her body to this stage, after all you need to realize that a human body is a finely tuned electrical circuit, which is a receiver. I had taken eight years before my debilitating illness raised it’s ugly head, which became worse after I returned from Vietnam. Long-term and prolonged period of time is the causation factor of such suffering, and had taken a number of years for your girlfriend to express her symptoms.

You only believe what you believe, and all I am trying to do is make ME/CFS sufferers including FMS sufferers the dangers and health risks of EMR and EMF from the wireless technology of today.

Yes, brain fog, forgetfulness, short-term memory, memory deficits, headache, fatigue, tinnitus, dizziness, irregular heartbeat were common in many of our communicators in the late 1950s to the 1980s, but it was put down to war caused problems and neurasthenia as extreme fatigue was one of the symptoms, and the rest of the symptoms were flu-like.

Did you know that the Russians bombarded the US Embassy from late 1950s to early 1970s with microwave radiation and the staff suffered the same symptoms of ME/CFS/FMS?

The hum is the modulated carrier of microwave radiation, and if you don’t hear a faster cyclic beat of 10c/s, then you are not suffering extreme EHS.

Those waves across your vision are caused by radio waves imprinted on your CNS effecting your Beta, Theta, and Alpha impulses.

Dry eyes and graininess is the symptoms of radio wave sickness and microwave sickness.

Yes, any aura effect in the eyes can be caused by many things, and like most things like this the cause isn’t known, but many of my military mates suffered migraines, including myself. I found it extremely hard working in that environment in those days and then trying to sleep. I get a migraine intermittantely when my next-door neighbours refrigerator turns ON and OFF. Just at the right time I get hit with the 50-60Hz signal and it comes through the connecting wall, as their refrigerator is directly opposite my computer room.

Once again, I didn’t say it caused ME/CFS, but I indicated that ME/CFS is the secondary of electro sensitivity that began back in the 1950s and continued on into the 21st Century, as the high power transmission lines and transformer substation and electrical fields in the public, work, and home place were causing many undiagnosable illnesses in those days.

I do know what I am talking about, because I am one of those people who were diagnosed ME/CFS/FMS and discovered in 2000 the real picture. I’m not saying that all ME/CFS/FMS sufferers are such, as they probably got their symptoms from sleeping on and electric blanket, or an electric water bed or surrounded by electrical equipment and appliances in the work and public place as well, and over time their immune system was destroyed.

Anyway, as I said that I am just trying to make other people aware of what could be causing and making their suffering worse.

Antares, people don’t realise that when they are in these fields for long-term and prolonged periods of time, their body rallies to cope with the stress and come to an unnatural new homeostasis. Then when they are in a clean environment, they experience withdrawal symptoms and crave electronics, and they can’t wait until they turn their electronics “ON” again to get a “hit”, and an example of such display is when people are travelling on commercial aircrafts between cities.

This is how people associate a clean environment with pain, and feels better in a dirty electrical environment of electrosmog pea soup that appears to make us feel good. But, the human unawareness allows the onslaught to continue, damaging their health regardless of their perception of what's happening to their body.

What came first---the chicken or the egg? Electronic and electrical harm came first and all the other stuff came along later that made it worse, such as viral and bacterial infections, chemicals and other environmental hazards are the secondary antagoniser that led to the many undiagnosable disorders, such as CFS, ME, FMS, IBS, SBS, MCS, BMS and many more, and the causation factor of these syndromes are not exactly known.

Most people haven’t perused the release of classified Intelligence Agency Documents some years ago, which were all hushed up, that stated: “Any enforcement of stringent exposure standards would have an unfavourable effect on the wireless industry output and military functions and would limit the application of new electronic technology by making the commercial exploitation of some products unattractive because of increased costs imposed by the need for additional safeguards”.

These documents also said: “Microwave radiation are the reasons for neurological, cardiovascular and haemondynamic disturbances and the cause of common subjective complaints such as: headaches, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness, menstrual disorders, irritability, agitations, tension, drowsiness, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and lack of concentration”, which are the basic symptoms of most “syndromes”, such as CFS/ME.

If you doubt my sincerity then check these documents out for yourself by punching them into Google Search:

ST-CS-01-169-72 July 1972

DST-1810S-076-76 March 1976

DST-1810S-074-76 March 1976

Therefore, I ask all CFS, ME, and FMS sufferers to be aware of the dangers and health risks of the non-ionised radiation of electromagnetic radiation and fields, because they are a health risk and are not harmless as most believe. The supposition of that if you can’t see them, then they can’t hurt you is very dangerous, because those invisible forces can hurt you and can make you very, very sick. I know from my own personal experience and of the many other millions of people throughout the world who suffer the same.

