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A brilliant new cure guys ;) Thrive programme


Senior Member
Joan McParland posted this on her Facebook. She said it was ok to repost. Read it and weep.

I asked a THRIVE consultant in NI for more details of what
help he can offer and how many ME patients he had cured.
There should really be some sort of law enforcement to deal with people charging money for this sort of thing.
WARNING. Here's the reply.

"Good morning Joan

Thank you for your interest in The Thrive Programme. Due to people's general attitudes that suffer from ME, they are very hard to get through my door. From my experience they often think something like "this can't be helped" or "this isn't a psychological problem" and therefore they are hard to get through the programme.

In the most modern research studies in the world, they are starting to show that physical symptoms such as Fibromyalgia, IBS and ME are largely caused and maintained by how people think and process events. For example, it's NOT coincidence that nearly everybody I see with IBS is highly anxious. What people don't realise is the mind-body connection. How you think on a daily basis ( and process events ) will have major implications on your body. People that are constantly under stress / anxiety are much more susceptible to PHYSICAL issues such as IBS, Fibromyalgia or ME because stress / anxiety / depression ALWAYS weaker the immense system and have major effects on how your body fights on chronic pain and physical illness.

I have not taken anyone through the Thrive programme that has had ME due to the reasons mentioned above. They are often in denial that their "thinking" could have anything to do with it and therefore totally dismiss the idea. Which of course is unfortunate because I've seen the life changing effects this programme has upon thousands of people every year. It sounds to me Joan like your life is affected by this to a large extent? I don't know what your thinking but I would advise you to strongly think about completing the Thrive Programme and turn your life around once and for all.

The cost depends on the person / circumstances etc and that's why I offer a free consultation either in my Dungannon, Coleraine or Enniskillen office. Let me know if you want to avail.


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Senior Member
From the website:

There is much debate about the potential causes of CFS but The Thrive Programme can help you regardless of what caused your symptoms in the first place.

The Thrive Programme is a life-changing psychological training programme that empowers you with the skills, insights and resources in order to take control of your life, overcome any symptoms or problems you have, and thrive!


Senior Member
well as a happy go lucky person who before me and ibs struck also still not suffering from any form of stress anxiety disorder how would they explain my current lack of good health .I most certainly did not wake up one morning with a complete personality change deciding it would be fun to spend the rest of my life with a horrendous amount of pain and suffering from any illness nor did I consider the potential benefits of the sick role who comes up with these flawed theories and why do people with the ability to think in a discerning manner give them any credence.


The wise nematode hibernates
What people don't realise is ...
There's one of those phrases that sets my alarm bells ringing again. A bit like "Our society isn't good at recognising ..." (bonus points if you can remember who said that - here's a clue - facial spam).

There's a whole stock of such phrases that help you recognise when you are probably standing in front of a quacktard about to dump a steaming pile of bullshit on you.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Nice work if you can get it....



"...You don’t need to have any specific qualifications in order to apply to become a Thrive Consultant, as your suitability will be determined during an informal interview with the programme creator, Rob Kelly.

The cost of the course is £5995, which includes all your mentoring and support. Once you have passed the course there is a monthly fee for your license..."


Senior Member
East Sussex
For example, it's NOT coincidence that nearly everybody I see with IBS is highly anxious.
Because correlation is whatever causation fits my beliefs, right?

Someone please inform her about gut dysbiosis and the gut-brain axis :bang-head: It's amazing how uniquely we can perceive a situation when following our own agenda - to the point of absolutely bypassing science!


Senior Member
My symptoms don't give a shit about my mental or emotional state.

Aside from worsening due to the energy expenditure of intense emotion.

Over a decade experience on this rollercoaster has proven it, and many people here have had the illness far longer will tell you the same thing.


Senior Member
Surprise!.............there is a book.

Thrive - the Changing Limiting Beliefs workbook: Health, Happiness and Success
byRob Kelly

Couple of 'cured' ME comments.

"Over 3 years of post viral fatigue symtoms cured completely once he had worked through this book doing 1 chapter per day. It explained everything he needed to know about how his mind worked, what was causing the problem and most importantly what to do to fix it. "

"I've had ME for 10 years and have read dozens of books on the subject. Different approaches work for different people, but for me, this book absolutely hit the nail on the head like no other I've read. The basic principle of the book is that M.E., and many other illnesses, are caused by negative thinking. The book helps you to recognise the negative thought patterns you're running and to replace them with positive ones. Simple exercises, such as listing your achievements, help you to increase your sense of self esteem, and control over your life. "

yawn..........I'm getting very bored with these.