I would urge everyone reading this article to read with caution. I do not have the time to go through line by line but there is significant bias and distortion. There is a much larger picture than what has been presented here.
If XMRV/HGRVs were "contaminants" in patients samples, then how would "contaminants" always be absent from negative controls? While Alter/Lo did not find "XMRV", the found Mulv's and Alter has previously stated that their work confirmed the work done by the WPI/NCI/Cleveland Clinic.
The fact that one or more replication competent retroviruses (RCR) have been created, most likely accidentally has huge implications. The FDA and the entire world working with biotechnology has been aware of this possibility for a long time. Until recently, most of us believed all the biotechnology was safe. Much more information is out there if people care to look.
There is a document "Briefing Document Testing for Replication Competent Retrovirus (RCR)/Lentivirus (RCL) in Retroviral and Lentiviral Vector Based Gene Therapy Products Revisiting Current FDA Recommendations" that goes into detail. One quote is below:
Many gammaretroviruses are known to cause tumors in animals (Rosenberg and Jolicoeur 1997). After the reported observation that three of ten Rhesus monkeys developed lymphomas after transplantation with cells transduced with a gammaretroviral vector lot that was inadvertently contaminated with RCR (Donahue et al. 1992), FDA began requesting manufacturers and investigators to test the retroviral vector products at multiple stages in manufacturing to ensure absence of contaminating RCR and to monitor the treated patients for evidence of RCR.
There are MANY such documents. It is also important to understand that the word "contaminant" can be interpreted in different ways. For a retrovirologist, when a cell line has something in it that it is not supposed to, it is a contaminant. Cell lines are created where they know exactly what is in them as much as possible. Dr. Coffin's repeated statements that XMRV is a "contaminant" can be interpreted several ways. If XMRV is a contaminant in the sense that it somehow jumped into ME/CFS patients samples but never the negative control samples, then he needs to prove it. A lot of information is extremely technical so I understand many will stay away from it. It is not sufficient to state something is a contaminant without providing context and detailed information. It was at the CROI in Boston when Switzer finally understood... this "contaminant" could be infective and could be infecting personnel at the CDC. Did you hear that as a headline? Not here.
Did it ever occur to anyone here what would happen if HGRVs (Human Gamma Retro Viruses) like XMRV were the key to the ME/CFS puzzle? Even if it isn't, if XMRV is a recombinant retrovirus that is now out in the general population, how did it get there? Why would the CDC test its own lab personnel for XMRV (when their published studies reported not finding it yet other information shows they can)? If recombinant retroviruses have gotten out of the labs OR are being created in people by the use of biologics (drugs, treatments, and vaccines), the whole biotech industry will be (they already are) on high alert. Large sums of money and careers are at stake. Companies like Abbott Laboratories, Gen-Probe, Roche, have been quite busy researching. Are the willing to spend huge amounts of money on a "contaminant"? I think not.
From the previously mentioned document:
Vectors derived from retroviruses, such as MLV-based gammaretroviral vectors, have been used to introduce therapeutic genes into target cells in various clinical gene transfer applications (Hu and Pathak 2000). The stable integration of the vector provides the theoretical potential for long term therapeutic gene expression and may offer persistent beneficial clinical effects in treated patients.
Another document entitled "Guidance for Industry - Supplemental Guidance on Testing for Replication Competent Retrovirus in Retroviral Vector Based Gene Therapy Products and During
Follow-up of Patients in Clinical Trials Using Retroviral Vectors" gives additional information.
I cannot write any more but I urge people to investigate on your own to the best of your abilities. Don't accept everything you read as truth.
~ JT