Article: Book Review of Elizabeth Turp's book "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME"

Hi Jody,

Thanks for the review. I'm always very skeptical of anyone who claims recovery. For nearly five years I was severely ill (functioning at a level of 2-3). I then managed to get myself to a much better place (typically 8-9) but as you say there was always a shadow. That better place lasted over 6 year. Had I been hit by a bus in October of 2004, I would have left this world thinking I had conquered CFS.

Since I started to slide, the slope has been very slippery and frighteningly steep at times. To those who feel they've recovered, I encourage you to take very good care, avoid any and all potential triggers, and above all, enjoy every moment of every day that pain and disability doesn't dictate what you can and cannot do.
Thanks for the review. I'm always very skeptical of anyone who claims recovery. For nearly five years I was severely ill (functioning at a level of 2-3). I then managed to get myself to a much better place (typically 8-9) but as you say there was always a shadow. That better place lasted over 6 year. Had I been hit by a bus in October of 2004, I would have left this world thinking I had conquered CFS.

Since I started to slide, the slope has been very slippery and frighteningly steep at times. To those who feel they've recovered, I encourage you to take very good care, avoid any and all potential triggers, and above all, enjoy every moment of every day that pain and disability doesn't dictate what you can and cannot do.

My mouth drops every time I hear Shane's story...there is so much we don't know about this disorder...
Had I been hit by a bus in October of 2004, I would have left this world thinking I had conquered CFS.
I was reminded earlier this evening that it would be more accurate to say that I would have left this world believing that the doctors who originally diagnosed me with CFS had, in their haste to be rid of a difficult patient, gotten it all wrong. I didn't have CFS, I actually had treatable pituitary damage and things were 90% under control with the right meds.

To be honest, I still don't believe in "CFS."
To be honest, I still don't believe in "CFS."

What do you mean by "I don't believe in CFS"?

You don't believe such an illness exists?
You believe we are all suffering from different problems?
You think it's an imaginary disease?
You think it was just made up to accommodate complaining women?

Please clarify,
