Article: Christmas XMRV Video - Giving Hope and Thanks This XMAS

Thanks Village Life for the reminder. A quote that I recently read:: 'If you feel your lamp is lit: wonderful. Because it should be lit. Know. Do everything to make sure that your lamp is lit, that it stays lit. And make sure that there is never darkness in your room." P. Rawat
Although, in some of my moments or hours of despair, I sometimes loose focus, forget the option is there. Each breath is a reminder that despite being so ill +15 years, am still capable of heartfelt joy. It is human to forget and it is beyond kindness to reminded by others who know._SueC
Yes, beautiful video (I cried a little...)
Much hope for the Hope Basket here.
May 2011 bring us renewed health, happiness, and a life fuller that we can even imagine from here!
Here are some quotes I to keep beauty and hope in my lif:

All day, every day count your blessings. all day, every day, make your lists of things you appreciate. And as you keep activating what is working in your life, then more pleasing things on all subjects will flow to you.

Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? what do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?

Eric Allenbaugh

I'm going to start a helpful quotes section in Lifestyle Management.
It would be very nice if the link to this video was sent to all of the presented researchers and physicians. The more that these "ANGELS" see of the "HOPE" that we place in their science and dedication has to provide them with more energy do it right the first time, deeg deeper for the cause and search further for the cure!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!!!!:thumbsup:
I agree with august 59. The people in the video who are working for us, often against incredible pressure, ridicule and risk to their careers, all need to see this and know how much they are appreciated by us. How can we make this happen?

Thanks Cort, Not too far away now and I will fight every step of the way - pronounced psychiatric by 4 docters in A & E 4 years ago and GP practice trying to convince themselves one way or the other despite passings out. None will go through all that again as far as I'm concerned.
On Prohealth:

Light a Candle for ME/CFS Sufferers - Inspiring Video
December 27, 2010

As the new year approaches, watch the "Light a Candle" for ME/CFS video (, dedicated to the world's patients and thanking each of the scores of dedicated scientists and clinicians who continue to put their 'skin in the game' to advance a true biomedical understanding of ME/CFS causes, effects, tests, and treatment.
It would be very nice if the link to this video was sent to all of the presented researchers and physicians. The more that these "ANGELS" see of the "HOPE" that we place in their science and dedication has to provide them with more energy do it right the first time, deeg deeper for the cause and search further for the cure!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!!!!:thumbsup:

I, too, think this is a wonderful idea. I wonder if Villagelife has thought of doing that. Or perhaps she needs help and email addresses etc. Perhaps someone can contact her?