Article: A 'Draw' at the Blood Working Group Meeting

This is like reading a big "'cliffhanger" of a novel. Wish I could have been a little mouse :) in the room. Looking forward to the webinar.

Thanks for the summary, Cort.
Reading it so concisely makes it seem even more unbelievable. As Cort mentioned earlier, maybe we've failed to realise how close we may be to the edge of what's scientifically possible. It's easy to forget that we could still be limited by our current technology.

That being said, it does seem strange that the little ol' WPI seemed to be able to produce such a confident paper for Science nearly 18 months ago.
I'm going to put up the slides that Val provided - according to them the WPI walks away feeling pretty good actually.

Yes, XMRV is a microcosm of CFS/ME isn't it over the years...