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6th Conference of Fatigue Science in Osaka, Japan


Senior Member
(I'm not sure where the best place to put this is. There may be no connection with XMRV so didn't feel it should go in there)

ETA: After I translated the programme, I discovered Suzanne Vernon may be the only non-Japanese speaker and generally the program does not look as exciting, CFS-wise, as in the past i.e. maybe don't read anymore of this thread?

People could post information on this conference in this thread and then it could be discussed.

In the June CFIDSLink e-newsletter from the CAA it says:

Suzanne D. Vernon, PhD, scientific director of the CFIDS Association of America, will give a presentation about the current status of CFS research at the 6th Conference of Fatigue Science in Osaka, Japan. The conference will be held June 24-26, 2010.

In the past, a lot of the presentations have been on CFS research. One example: I think I can recall John Gow presenting results before they were published here so it could be interesting.

A very quick search of the web didn't reveal much.

I think there is information on this page:

This is how Google translates the info:
Chairman Message

Annual Meeting Chairman Hisashi Hirohiko warehouse 6th Meeting of Japan Society of fatigue
Kansai University of Welfare Sciences
Adjunct Professor, University of Tokyo
Visiting Professor, Osaka City University

Tiredness and fatigue is one of the alarm signal to convey important abnormalities of the body. "Dull", "tough" to be aware of the feeling that his body has been triggered. Such physiological fatigue is usually by a rest to some extent, restored to normal, it does not last long.

However, even when they encounter an obstacle or if the autonomic nervous system diseases such as flu-affected, but awareness of fatigue, tiredness and fatigue due to physiological disease, unlike just a rest that is characterized not revived in.

In 1999, the ministry study group to examine the reality of fatigue in Japan (Group Leader: Kiya Teruo Osaka), Nagoya area residents general fatigue epidemiological study of 4,000 subjects (3,015 valid responses), I made a , 59.1% people are aware of fatigue, with 35.8% of people now clear that permitted chronic fatigue for more than six months. Nearly half of people with chronic fatigue were aware of its ability to decrease their lives, people who are suffering from a condition of chronic fatigue syndrome seriously interfere with daily life and social life showed 0.3% are.

The following year, 2,180 patients at medical examination conducted a survey on those whose fatigue, showed 45% in patients with chronic fatigue, more than half the patients had some kind of an obstacle in daily life , one can identify the disease even if the doctor was only examined about 40 percent. Therefore, the practice of unexplained chronic fatigue is also becoming one of the key challenges facing the 21st century medical care.

I tried to calculate the pure economic loss due to chronic fatigue fatigue epidemiological survey in Japan in 1999 based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Economy, pointed out that annually about 1.2 trillion yen, ranging, in terms of economic loss has proven to be a major social problem. Thus, despite the expected number of patients who have been suffering from chronic fatigue, fatigue clinic and running around the well is not. The biggest reason is to objectively evaluate the fatigue depends not established diagnostic criteria.

Then, in April 2009, gathered more typical medical research and we are tired, the ministry "to establish a diagnosis of fatigue and objective evaluation method for patients complaining of chronic fatigue with abnormal autonomic Create a guide, "research team (Principal Investigator: Hisashi Hirohiko barn) was born. Here, oxidative stress ratings and autonomic nervous system, viral tests, fatigue factor, establish biomarkers visual fatigue using a procedure different analysis, and brain function, to formulate guidelines for diagnosis of chronic fatigue in FY2011 aims to.

In tiredness Annual Meeting of Japan Society for the 6th meeting, "The research so far has been fatigue-fatigue recovery of the economy" industrial fatigue and fatigue evaluation of an objective diagnostic method has been shown recently the subject of anti-corporate and research efforts to introduce fatigue symposium also covered a similar condition of fibromyalgia are chronic fatigue syndrome. Scientific treatment of fatigue in general, not only for improving the quality of medical and scientific development, we sincerely hope that the people who serve you more.

What's New2010/05/14 Abstract registration closed.
2010/04/23 Now extended to May 14, 2010 deadline for abstracts.
2010/03/31 Abstract registration started.
2010/01/14 Pre-registration has started.
2009/12/15 Site is open competition.


Senior Member
Actually, there be less on CFS than I thought

Actually, there be less on CFS than I thought this year. Also few people from outside Japan. The one in 2005 was very different.

This is how Google translates the info:

Journal Day 1: Wednesday, June 24 (Thursday)
Public Lecture
Time 14:30 to 17:30
Abstract Coping mechanisms fall into the fatigue assessment
Lecture 1 reality of fatigue assessment, remedy - Current Status and Future Research Group ministry Fatigue
Hisashi Hirohiko warehouse (University of Welfare Sciences, Kansai, Osaka City University Visiting Professor)

Decreased motivation to overcome chronic fatigue fatigue fatigue fatigue and anti talk 2
Y. Watanabe (RIKEN Research Center for Molecular Imaging Science, Osaka City University professor)

General Discussion
Sponsored by Ministry of Health, Fatigue Study Group (official name: Health and Labour Sciences Research Grants (Research Project with Disabilities (neurological muscle disorder ・ field)) "visual fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue with the complain of autonomic dysfunction Creating and establishing guidelines for diagnosis of chronic fatigue diagnosis, "study group)
Co Business Innovation Center Osaka
Support Osaka City, Osaka, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences, Osaka City, Japan Society of fatigue

Journal Day 2: Wednesday, June 25 (Fri)Symposium Ⅰ
Time 10:10 to 11:40
Abstract Omics study of fatigue
Chairman Kataoka Yousuke (leader CMIS Science Institute
* Visiting Professor, Osaka City University)
Speaker 4

Board of Trustees
Time 12:00 to 12:50

Special lecture
Time 1:00 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.
Challenge Current and fatigue countermeasures in the U.S. (working title)
Chairman Koyama Hidenori (Osaka City University Medical School instructor of medicine 2)
Speaker Suzanne D. Vernon (Scientific Director, CFIDS-AA (USA))

Conference Chairman
Time 14:00 to 14:50
Challenge History of previous chronic fatigue
Chairman Kiya Teruo (Emeritus Professor, Osaka University)
Speaker Hisashi Hirohiko warehouse (Visiting Professor, Osaka City University of Welfare Sciences, Kansai)

Symposium Ⅱ
Time 15:00 to 16:30
Challenge Industrial fatigue
Chairman Sakai Kazuhiro (Director, Institute for Science of Labour)
Hideki Mito (Dean of Science and Welfare, Kansai University)
Speaker 4

Mini Symposium
Time 16:40 to 18:00
Challenge 06 problems

Awards banquet
Time 18:30

Journal Day 3: Friday, June 26 (Sat)Symposium Ⅲ
Time 9:50 to 11:50
Abstract An objective evaluation of fatigue
Chairman Hisashi Hirohiko warehouse (Visiting Professor, Osaka City University of Welfare Sciences, Kansai)
Speaker Five people

Luncheon Seminar (Ajinomoto)
Time 12:00 to 13:00

Meeting of Japan Society of fatigue
Time 13:00 to 13:30

Symposium Ⅳ
Time 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Abstract Fibromyalgia syndrome
Chairman Nishioka Hisatoshi 樹 (Director, Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical University)
Matsumoto Huzimi (Prof. Fujita)
Speaker 4

Symposium Ⅴ
Time 16:10 to 17:40
Abstract Business activities of anti-fatigue
Chairman Osami Kajimoto (Osaka City University professor)
Shima Masaaki Takeuchi (New Industry Promotion Office, Business Innovation Center Osaka)
Speaker 4

Closing remarks
Time 17:40 -


Senior Member
I've looked at the website and program and the Google translation is fairly accurate.

And you're right - the conference topics (at least from their titles) appear to be focused on "fatigue" and "chronic fatigue," with no real indications that CCC ME/CFS is being discussed. This is consistent with my sense of research funding and direction in this country.

Some of the speaker names are the same names involved in real ME/CFS research in the 1990s and were/are intimately familiar with ME/CFS patients and their symptoms, but at least at this conference they seem to be addressing "fatigue" more broadly. It's very confusing - maybe they are studying ME/CFS under the umbrella of fatigue more broadly or not concerned with ME/CFS at all - it's impossible to tell.

While rather depressing, it's not to say some of the topics and approaches don't seem interesting. They're clearly making a connection between often disabling fatigue (whether it's idiopathic fatigue or ME/CFS - either way, the people running the conference are familiar with ME/CFS) and losses to productivity and the economy, and appear to be researching the "mechanism of fatigue," and ways of scientifically measuring fatigue. There's also mention of a government agency for disability (presumably the relevance is for people disabled by "fatigue").

Dr. Vernon's talk is titled Current Situation of Fatigue and Its Treatment in the United States - though it seems to be a working title and perhaps a topic chosen by the conference organizers. I wonder if she will mention US XMRV research efforts in connection with ME/CFS - no other speakers appear to be speaking about it.


Senior Member
(Off-topic) Kunihisa Miwa on Graded Exercise Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

I'm afraid I haven't got a handle on the different Japanese researchers and whether they have different views on Graded Exercise Therapy (GET).

I thought people interested in CFS in Japan might be interested in this.

Pre-publication history
Chronic fatigue syndrome: Harvey and Wessely's (bio)psychosocial model versus a bio(psychosocial) model based on inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative stress pathways

Kunihisa Miwa

Nevertheless I have to disagree with their opinion suggesting that cognitive
behavioral therapy and graded exercise treatment are not effective and may be
harmful for many ME/CFS patients.
Habitual exercise that can help in autonomic nervous adaptation, induce
pulmonary and cardiovascular conditioning and also induce antioxidative enzyme
activity, may produce improvement in functional work capacity and fatigue via
mechanisms unrelated to depression. Although no treatment has been shown
clearly to result in long-term benefit in the majority of patients, the favorable
effects for improvement in functional work capacity and fatigue by graded
exercise therapy, irrespective of complicative depression, have been reported in
previous papers (Vercoulen et al. Lancet 1996, Wearden et al. 1998 Br J
Psychiatry). The goal of graded exercise treatment should be late improvement
following initial worsening. Also depressive condition often develops secondary
to chronic fatigue in many of the patients. It cannot be excluded that CBT is a
useful therapy for ME/CFS in some cases even in the patients without major


Senior Member
From the latest CFIDSLink from http://www.cfids.org/
Dr. Vernon was in Japan last week where she presented at the 6th Conference of Fatigue Science. The large, well-orchestrated group of CFS researchers and clinicians in Osaka is making impressive progress toward objective diagnostics and treatments. She'll share highlights of the research in her upcoming webinar about the Association's research program on July 8 at 1:00 p.m https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/971765545 .


Senior Member
Southeast US
How many saw the CAA's webinar? One point I came away with is the difference in the Japanese approach to disease as opposed to the US. Dr. Vernon surmises it's because they care about productivity and wish to keep their citizens working. The US could learn from that, obviously.

The Japanese make a research finding and shortly thereafter a kit is available to physicians to test for the finding. It seems they must be way ahead in diagnosing this disease. There was much that Dr. Vernon could not reveal because she promised to keep it in confidence. However, the CAA are anxious to partner with them.

If you missed this webinar, it will be on Youtube.


XMRV - L'Agent du Jour
It would be fascinating to keep tabs on the Japanese research to see if, as a nation, they head more collectively and decidedly down the biomedical route. I was disappointed to see Peter White on the list, but encouraged to see Nancy Klimas, and Judy Mikovits as well as Dr Vernon.


Senior Member
khandhasmy looks like a spammar. This is the 2008 conference and there are ads in his/her post.