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Article: Suicide in ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia

Another sign that I observed in a friend in the period before she killed herself is that, though previously she had seemed depressed, she became "happy."

Only later did we realize that she was happy because she had made a firm plan for "escape."

In the days before she killed herself she gave no hint of her plans. Now I am aware that this change of mood, may not mean that the person has been about to come to terms with their problems, but that they have "seen the light at the end of the tunnel."

There was a small study in Australia some years ago. This was a survey of patients asking if they had attempted suicide. One in ten patients said yes, but one in six long term patients said yes. I do not know if this was ever published. Bye, Alex
Another sign that I observed in a friend in the period before she killed herself is that, though previously she had seemed depressed, she became "happy."

Only later did we realize that she was happy because she had made a firm plan for "escape."

In the days before she killed herself she gave no hint of her plans. Now I am aware that this change of mood, may not mean that the person has been about to come to terms with their problems, but that they have "seen the light at the end of the tunnel."


That happened with Kate Graham (publisher Washington Post) husband. He seemed fine when he came home - then he took the first opportunity to kill himself - he had planned it all out.