I agree, Tuha, I'm not claiming this method or any method is scientific. But not that many people have posted on Vivint threads either in Round 1 or 2. And the poll for Round 1 I think only had 13 voters. We'll not get to the bottom of it I imagine but I like to ask.It would be interesting to know how many people from this forum vote - this forum has big voting potential. but I dont know if we can really find out how many people from here vote.
Good idea for people to write to various local/state/regional/national/internation groups.My husband and I have voted everyday on separate Facebook accounts.
With 17 million people worldwide with this condition we should be blitzing the field.
I'm wondering has everyone across the world contacted the various M.E. organisations within their own countries? I'm thinking of South Africa for instance which is one country we don't seem to hear from many people on this forum. I'm guessing Eric and Jemal & some of the other European folks are agitating for response within Europe. Same as UK etc! Australia has a Vivint notice on the South Australian M.E. message board which is always widely read.........however there is often nothing like a personal invitation to potentailly interested individuals to take up the challenge!
My husband and I have voted everyday on separate Facebook accounts.
With 17 million people worldwide with this condition we should be blitzing the field.
I'm wondering has everyone across the world contacted the various M.E. organisations within their own countries? I'm thinking of South Africa for instance which is one country we don't seem to hear from many people on this forum. I'm guessing Eric and Jemal & some of the other European folks are agitating for response within Europe. Same as UK etc! Australia has a Vivint notice on the South Australian M.E. message board which is always widely read.........however there is often nothing like a personal invitation to potentailly interested individuals to take up the challenge!
Are you talking about searching on Facebook or elsewhere? If you want to do Facebook groups, I can send you my Facebook account name, you can become friends with me and look at the >100 groups I'm a member of (went around for Round 1 (especially) of Chase Community Giving looking for big (100+) and then medium (e.g. 50+) groups). (We can un-friend each other when you're finished - generally I have 100+ friends requests I'm ignoring atm - I tried to set up another Facebook account just for ME/CFS last night and then Facebook flagged it that they're concerned I have two accounts.I'd like to do some of this, especially for my own country (the UK) but when I searched, I couldn't find any forums with more than five or six people online! Is there a list anywhere of useful contacts?
Are you talking about searching on Facebook or elsewhere? If you want to do Facebook groups, I can send you my Facebook account name, you can become friends with me and look at the >100 groups I'm a member of (went around for Round 1 (especially) of Chase Community Giving looking for big (100+) and then medium (e.g. 50+) groups). (We can un-friend each other when you're finished - generally I have 100+ friends requests I'm ignoring atm - I tried to set up another Facebook account just for ME/CFS last night and then Facebook flagged it that they're concerned I have two accounts.)
There are lots of yahoogroups www.yahoogroups.com also around the world with various activity levels.
Following the relative success of "Light and Love Home- Vancouver", I'm afraid I see a vote for the National ME/FM Action Network as virtually a wasted vote; not quite as bad as voting for Nightingale Research Foundation or IACFS/ME International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ME but almost in that category.Please don't forget about the importance of the IACFSME International conference in Ottawa. It's critical for research that these conferences are held so the scientists can meet and learn from each other. The National ME/FM Action Network is the host of the conference this year and need money to fund the conference. We need them to win the Canada region and $100,000.
We need more people voting for them too. Please cast some votes for http://www.vivint.com/givesbackproject/charity/855
I vote daily, remind my email contacts daily, spend an hour on a vote exchange site daily which yields 30 - 100 votes each time. There are many vote exchange sites out there.
:Sign Good Job: Thanks jace. That's great.I agree with Sasha, we must focus on our best hope, and that without doubt is the WPI. I vote daily, remind my email contacts daily, spend an hour on a vote exchange site daily which yields 30 - 100 votes each time. There are many vote exchange sites out there. I have yet to post on two big general forums where I have a profile - my only excuse is a big crash I've been dealing with. Darned disease.
, spend an hour on a vote exchange site daily which yields 30 - 100 votes each time. There are many vote exchange sites out there. .