10 Scientific Ideas That Scientists Wish You Would Stop Misusing


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For a lot of them, I'm more on the side of the general public than the scientists. The meanings of words change as people find different ways of using them, and I quite like how that pisses some people off - despite undoubtedly using a mass of terms in ways that would seem totally new and perverted to people from the past.

The quantum stuff is certainly ridiculous, but proof, theory, natural are all words that can be used sensibly in a casual conversation with their generally understood meanings, and that seems to be how people want to use them.

Things like 'survival of the fittest' can mislead, but they've also taken on a value within language and culture that is detached from the theory of evolution. (Also, I hope Goldberg was taken out of context on theory, as otherwise he sounds like a bit of an arse).

They missed my favourite: allergy.

It now just means that something seems to make someone feel worse... and there's nothing a doctor can do to stop me using it like that!!!!!! (Although admittedly, I never would around a doctor, not with a CFS diagnosis anyway).
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Senior Member
While I found the article interesting, it does tread a fine line between teaching vs. lecturing which I found rather irksome.
