
  1. godlovesatrier

    [ARTICLE] Jan 02 2022 - New Brunswick Neurological Disease

    This article is quite interesting, I wonder if patients wouldn't have got an ME diagnosis, or similair incorrect diagnosis in a pre-covid world. At any rate, good the press are highlighting these stories. I also note how he's been labelled a "whistleblower" as if it's something top secret, or...
  2. nerd

    Some news attention on the Post-COVID link

    An op-ed by Heidi Adams Rueda has been picked up by San Antonio news. UTSA Today: The link between chronic fatigue and COVID's long haul San Antonio Express-News: Commentary: The chronic fatigue-long COVID link Unfortunately, there's the typical stress, emotional/childhood trauma, mental...
  3. P

    Ron Davis’s interview with FOX5 DC Just a basic interview, no new info, but nonetheless informative. Dr. Davis goes over his credentials, how he got into ME/CFS research, Covid & ME/CFS simmilarties...
  4. nyanko_the_sane

    Read Your Doctors Notes! Sometimes it is hard to tell if your doctor actually gets what you are telling them, or if they even believe you. Having received a few shocks and surprises after reading doctors notes, I...