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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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mold avoidance

  1. frozenborderline

    Looking for podcast participants for my ME/CFS related podcast

    looking for podcast participants Potentially upsetting Looking for people to be interviewed on a podcast: The most interesting things I'd like to talk about ir type of guests : 1. People who have had some kind of experience with environmental factors in their illness People who have done some...
  2. frozenborderline

    Headless youth podcast Origin Story Part III--my experiences with CCI diagnosis, the history of Lake Tahoe and Environmental illness

    Listen to Origin Story Pt. 3 by Headless Youth Podcast on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/pHvgT
  3. Thebirdman333

    URGENT: Anyone in New Mexico? Need help for a friend ASAP!

    I have a friend from New Mexico who is extremely sick and she is looking for some desperate assistance. Her profile: "Living in Albuquerque New Mexico with mecfs suspect that there is a mold problem that I'm dealing with that is exacerbating my symptoms. Looking for help with navigating this...
  4. frozenborderline

    Long covid, mold and mcas--Lake Tahoe 2.0?

    https://openletteropenmedicinefoundation.com/long-covid-and-environmental-toxins-lake-tahoe-2-0/ Heres a short post I made on my website about long covid and mold. Hopefully google indexes it soon. For now, hopefully I can get some eyes on it by posting it here.
  5. H

    POLL: Have you been tested for Mycotoxins?

    This directly follows on from this thread which discusses the results of Dr Brewer's study, which showed that 93% of CFS sufferers in his clinic had high levels of mycotoxins in their body, compared to 0% for a healthy control group. I am interested as to whether these results are replicated...
  6. frozenborderline

    "Go west young man", a podcast interview with a guest who did mold avoidance to put his illness in remission

    Here's a new one, particularly long, in which I interview a friend I knew from school who got sick with similar issues simultaneously to me and ended up pursuing mold avoidance in new Mexico. We talk about his whole journey but at the end we get into his visions for using permaculture to...