
  1. Ingold12

    Possible CFS with neurological symptoms

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, in June 2022 I got what I presume was a viral illness, with symptoms such as fever, cough, throat pain and slight dysphagia. All symptoms besides the dysphagia subsided until I got tired moving for a new job and, between July and August, I first developed...
  2. Pyrrhus

    Life-Threatening Malnutrition in Very Severe ME/CFS (Baxter, Speight, and Weir, 2021)

    FINALLY, someone has addressed this very important issue in a publication: Life-Threatening Malnutrition in Very Severe ME/CFS (Baxter, Speight, and Weir, 2021) by Helen Baxter, Nigel Speight, and William Weir https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9032/9/4/459/htm Excerpt: (spacing added for readability)...