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To Make Sense of the Present, Brains May Predict the Future

Lancashire, UK

A controversial theory suggests that perception, motor control, memory and other brain functions all depend on comparisons between ongoing actual experiences and the brain’s modeled expectations.

As coincidence, I have been thinking about this a lot recently due to some symptoms I described in an earlier post somewhere on this forum. I'll repeat the comment I left on the Facebook post for this article.

" I have an illness known as M.E. which involves neurological and cognitive issues. Recently, I have been having vision problems including after-images and floaters. Strangely, I'm getting a weird sensation when my brain EXPECTS something to happen. For example, if I go to swipe the page up on my laptop and I accidentally miss the trackpad (something which happens every now and then), I get a strange brief dizziness because what my brain expected to happen (the page moving up or down) did not happen. This would fit with this new theory."

I feel like for me, something is going wrong in this communication.... Interesting.


I get what I called brain earthquakes becuase I do not know how else to explain it. Do you know when you watch tv and you get static? Is like that. Very disorienting, I also get them when I lay down, and I get this popping sound like when two faulty wires touch, electrical short of some sorts. For me the perception is more before ( reality that is not correct on meassuremnts) so when I do hit a wall is like bizare becuase my brain doesn’t understand what just happened, like where did this came from.