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Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses aren’t immune to bias


Senior Member
"Science’s arbiter of disputes, the meta-analysis, is falling prey to bias”

By Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus

...”In a new paper, John Ioannidis, of Stanford University, argues that scientists are being deluged with a “massive production of unnecessary, misleading, and conflicted systematic reviews and meta-analyses.”Rather than present objective evidence, these articles are afflicted with the very illness — assumptions, biases, and wishful thinking — that they ostensibly try to filter out, he says.”

Retraction Watch did a Q and A with Ioannidis about his paper:
"We have an epidemic of deeply flawed meta-analyses, says John Ioannidis

the full paper:

The Mass Production of Redundant, Misleading, and Conflicted Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses


Senior Member
The Ioannidis article is referred to in

"Mass production of review articles is cause for concern

A torrent of low-quality meta-analyses and systematic reviews in biomedicine might be hiding valuable research and misleading scientists.

A gold standard of scientific analysis is fast becoming tarnished, according to a report by a leading meta-researcher.

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses distil scientific articles on similar questions into what is meant to be an authoritative take on a particular topic — often how well a particular treatment works across medical settings — and they are key tools in evidence-based medicine."