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Squeaky blood veins?


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I have had this issue off and on for a couple of years now. Most of the time I can feel/hear the blood going through the veins in the back of my neck and head when I am laying down. Today it is my feet while I sit.

It squeaks to the pulse, kind of like when someone walks across a squeaky spot in the floor. It seems random when it happens.

I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this, or have any idea what it is?


Senior Member
I haven't experienced what you're describing, but I've noticed other kinds of weird sounds happening, for example from just below the collarbones... could be from the lymph vessels, perhaps? It's a dry slightly crunching sound, kind of similar to a super dry elastic/rubber band...

(I did the Perrin technique self-massage for many months, some months ago. I didn't notice any changes at all.)


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
@mango that sounds like another issue I get when I am in one of my "please can I just quit breathing and die now" severe crashes. I think mine are crackling noises in my bronchial tubes. But that doesn't sound at all similar to my squeaky blood.

I'm wondering if this could be narrow blood veins due to temporary inflammation? My feet and calves have quit squeaking now. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
This is not a conversation that could occur anywhere but Phoenix Rising. ;)

When I lie down I can feel my blood pumping; unless I lie just right it can feel throbbing / uncomfortable. But I have never had my blood vessels make a distinctive noise...


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
This is not a conversation that could occur anywhere but Phoenix Rising. ;)

When I lie down I can feel my blood pumping; unless I lie just right it can feel throbbing / uncomfortable. But I have never had my blood vessels make a distinctive noise...
Lol, isn't that true!

I might add that part of the reason I hear the squeaking is I wear earplugs at night...