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Self test for Th1/Th2 balance


Northern Vermont
My ME CFS Doc told me I was TH-2 Dominant and my TH-1 was completely dormant after seeing all my tests for EBV,CMV, C. Pneumoninae etc etc after I tested positive for XMRV in 2010. As a kid I had 65 allergies and severe asthma since 3 months old! I took allergy shots for nine years that were made up of all my alllergans. Long Story short, many ME CFS patients have a strong historty of allergies and asthma which makes you Th-2 weighted. They also found I have a partial empty sella which I think was from a viral exposure. Of course what I think does not make for real science. Valcyte for 14 months helped but I haven't had a cold in nine years. Hope to start GcMAF in June as my Nagalase levels were 1.90. This is just take on the Th-1-Th-2 shift. I think I was Th-2 weighted to begin with and something took me to the dark side. I pray for balance of my Th-1 & Th-2 immune system ......that is why I use the Mayan Huna B Q symbol for my avatar, it is the Mayan Ying Yang symbol for our Universe. Securing Balance is the crux of maintaining symptoms with ME CFS. The thing about Green Tea is a bummer. There are supplements out there that help re-boot your TH-1 like Regenesis Pro 500 and DL Pheine which I use. I guess the Mantra for ME CFS research might be.....it's the immune system stupid! Interesting thread. I think the validation of actual tests for chronic sub infections like EBV, CMV HHV and C. Pnuemonae are more important because it shows thay your TH-1 system can not fight them off proving that you are a TH-2 Dominatrix! HA HA not funny!


Senior Member
I doubt this is the H2S metabolite test. This has nothing to do with th1/th2 shift at all. There has to have been some confusion here I think? Where is this new test...!


Senior Member
I'm confused about this new test too. All I could find was photos of the old H2S test when I looked. Does it even exist?


Senior Member
At least it's nice to know I don't have a mental disorder (KDM) - I rated at the worst end of his scale - H2S - neurotoxic matabolite test. Quite so. I only then knew GI problems (amongst others) needed addressing thanks to KDM. Don't know about this new one.


Northern Vermont
To clarify....There is no single test, my Doctor concluded my "TH-1" immune system is down because of all the sub infections that I have that a normal immune system routinely knocks down. Again, things like EBV, CMV, C Pneuomoniae etc. These are the positive indicators and these positive tests show that my TH-1 is dormant and my TH-2 is going 10000 miles an hour. Hope this clears things up. GcMAf seems to be making me sicker......either that or my immune system is re-starting and making me sicker. Who knows.....not me. See my Doc 160 miles from here in early October. Too much pain.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
I'm pretty sure that Dr. Klimas did a small study a few years back. Since she also treats patients that have GWS (Gulf War Syndrome) she had a certain number of these patients participate as well.
PWC were overwhelmingling TH-2 dominant while the GWS patients were predominantly TH-1 dominant. I'm pretty sure the study is on PR somewhere, but I don't remember what process was used to come up with these results.

I as well think Dr. Montoya has made note, while discussing some results that showed PWC appeared to have either a genetic defect or something appeared to malfunction our inate imune system, that he also referred to as Th-2 dominance.

My personal feeling is this a partial reason for Montoya doing this immense multi-pathogen study. He is trying to find what pathogen(s) are responsible for the Th shift and by what process this happens.

What I can't quite figure out though is what the major difference is between Montoys's study and the CFI study headed up by Lipkin. I do know that Montoya is way ahead of the CFI as Montoya has alreadt recruited his 600 participants.

The results of these 2 studies couldn't hold a lot of information tht could result in treatments for us and to possibly get the FDA's attention and the pharmaceutical industry.

The con to all of this is neither will happen in 2013, but more like 2014.

This company offers a TH-1 to Th-2 Balance Test. http://www.truehealthlabs.com/th1-th2-balance-balance-test/


Northern Vermont
I'm pretty sure that Dr. Klimas did a small study a few years back. Since she also treats patients that have GWS (Gulf War Syndrome) she had a certain number of these patients participate as well.
PWC were overwhelmingling TH-2 dominant while the GWS patients were predominantly TH-1 dominant. I'm pretty sure the study is on PR somewhere, but I don't remember what process was used to come up with these results.

I as well think Dr. Montoya has made note, while discussing some results that showed PWC appeared to have either a genetic defect or something appeared to malfunction our inate imune system, that he also referred to as Th-2 dominance.

My personal feeling is this a partial reason for Montoya doing this immense multi-pathogen study. He is trying to find what pathogen(s) are responsible for the Th shift and by what process this happens.

What I can't quite figure out though is what the major difference is between Montoys's study and the CFI study headed up by Lipkin. I do know that Montoya is way ahead of the CFI as Montoya has alreadt recruited his 600 participants.

The results of these 2 studies couldn't hold a lot of information tht could result in treatments for us and to possibly get the FDA's attention and the pharmaceutical industry.

The con to all of this is neither will happen in 2013, but more like 2014.

This company offers a TH-1 to Th-2 Balance Test. http://www.truehealthlabs.com/th1-th2-balance-balance-test/

I think for all people with illness a TH-1/T-H2 Balance test would be extremely helpful for them to understand this disease. It is the sub infections that TH-1 can't control that makes us so sick. I would hope this test might identify what the T-H1 can't knock down...or more specifically exactly what the sub-infections actually are. Thank you for this August 59!