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Rituximab and the Lightening Process


Senior Member
But is this a disorder that can be treated using mental control techniques as well? Mella and Fuge does not reject the fact that CFS sufferers – after three days of “Lightening Process” treatment, gets out of bed and declare themselves healed, but want to balance this against their own Rituximab studies. Their theory is that the CFS symptoms are not always caused by the underlying disease.

- We know that the frontal lobes in the brain – via intense mental activity, can effect and sometimes suppress involuntary nerve systems. That is the main reason why L.P. and other extreme forms of cognitive treatment gives such a rapid response. If the effect becomes permanent, it seems the underlying disease is “burned out” and will not trigger renewed CFS. In other patients, the effect is at best temporary, which tells us that the underlying disease is still active.


Living Dead

Senior Member
One thing in the M&F study always stood out to me:
. A major response was detected in nine patients in the
Rituximab group, and in one patient in the Placebo group
That's not the interesting part. The interesting part is that the single patient who responded to placebo happened to be one out of two who only fulfilled Fukuda CFS and not ICC ME. So zero patients with ME responded to the placebo treatment.