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Recommended Lab Tests for CFIDS


Senior Member
Oklahoma City
i was diagnosed with CFIDS IN 2000 by an infectious disease specialist and CFS researcher who was far ahead of his time in the study and treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Unfortunately, he has now retired and there are no physicians in the area who are knowledgeable enough to treat CFIDS patients. The good news is that I have PCP who is not only willing to be educated on the illness, but will order a test done if I ask for it.

In my research I have found that scientists have discovered factors common to 99 percent of CFIDS patients. What is unclear to me is if there are lab tests available to measure these factors and, if so, how would a doctor order these tests done. Does the test have a name that is recognizable to most medical labs or is it something that can only be ordered through a specialty or forensic laboratory?

Any help would be appreciated.


Northern USA
Northern USA
On the Home page of this website, you could find Treatments, and click on that, and the 2nd on the List,
is Something about tests, that has helpful info to start with, including something called "Roadmap" .

I know what you mean, that some tests, a doctor like yours could easily order, and it is good to have that sort of doctor, and I am glad that you do.

Other tests might need special labs, but often they can be drawn and sent out.

I don't know the additional specifics, to be more helpful, but thought I would give you that bit of info, if it helps you.

I hope others will notice this thread and reply with more info.
If that does not happen, then you could perhaps ask a moderator to move this thread to another section where others might notice, such as Members Discussion CFS/ME, or you could mention something related, in a short post there, and direct people to this thread here.
We are not supposed to copy the same post in 2 places.

I hope something in my post, helps!


senior member
Concord, NH
The attachment provided can help rule things out/in. Lots of people with our illness have both of these diseases.



  • Tests_for Treatable causes of Small Fiber PolyNeuropathy (SFPN).pdf
    340.2 KB · Views: 16


Senior Member
Oklahoma City
The Roadmap featured on this site is a wonderful resource, and much thanks to the member who created and shared it. A great deal of work went into condensing an overwhelming amount of information into and easy-to-follow “roadmap.” I will definitely refer to the map often, recommend it as a resource to others, AND provide a copy to my PCP as part of his CFIDS education. Thanks for your help.


Senior Member
Oklahoma City
Thank you for providing this list. You are correct that CFIDS is generally a comorbid condition, which makes it more difficult for most of us get a diagnosis. Though I recognize most of the tests listed, there are a few that I am not sure about. That reminds me of the importance of keeping copies of ALL our medical records, so it easy to go back several years and check a particular lab result. The internet allows us to easily interpret a test for ourselves rather than waiting for a doctor to explain it. I wish I had begun filing away my medical reports decades ago.