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Raw Thyroid Glandular


iherb code TAK122
dare I say it ema but I do feel a little better - no major changes just a slight increase in energy, eg I'm usually 'gone' after about 5pm - but last week went out shopping (okay only a brief trip) at 6pm for an hour. Its not every day but I'm happy with it, problem is I also started a transdermal bvit about 10 days ago so??
The problem I do have now is an increased heart rate at times - it goes from the 80's to the 100's , not had this for a long time - so I don't know whether that would be a normal response in the early stages of supplementation, what do you think?
I'd say my BP is also a bit higher too......

I only have a arm cuff monitor - which is always in the wrong part of the house when I think maybe I should take a reading - you know the trip upstairs = energy use = recovery time....... is it worth it?

We know when somethings not right don't we? the first day I stared taking note was because I felt really funny - when I checked my Hr was 107 - we don't need doctors sometimes do we?

sooooo just looking at a pulse oximeter in order to get a clearer picture about whats happening before I speak to my doc.


Senior Member
I have read this thread with alot of interest.
I have bought Thyro-Gold (Whole-gland thyroid powder taken from pasture-fed New Zealand cows which contains t4 and t3) a few months ago. I firstly tested with a half capsule. After that I got so many stress, my adrenals freaked out! Since then I leave it alone, Apparently I need to strengthen my adrenals first. Unfortunately!

Does anyone know if I can use an other thyroid glandular where my adrenal glands do not freak out?


Senior Member
southeast US
I have read this thread with alot of interest.
I have bought Thyro-Gold (Whole-gland thyroid powder taken from pasture-fed New Zealand cows which contains t4 and t3) a few months ago. I firstly tested with a half capsule. After that I got so many stress, my adrenals freaked out! Since then I leave it alone, Apparently I need to strengthen my adrenals first. Unfortunately!

Does anyone know if I can use an other thyroid glandular where my adrenal glands do not freak out?

@jason30 It's possible you're having trouble converting t4 to t3 (some of us do) and the Thyro-Gold is simply layering the problem with added t4 you can't use.

Just an idea. Have you tried added zinc?


Senior Member
South East England, UK
@jason30 Have you tried taking some adrenal cortex only on a daily basis for a couple of weeks and seeing how you feel. If this supports your adrenals sufficiently you might then be ok to reintroduce half a capsule of the thyroid product. Do you know what the dose is that you are getting from half a capsule?

I have been taking dessicated thyroid medication since 2002 and I have definitely learned that one has to have strong adrenals to get real benefits and no side effects. It's been a great help for me but I have to take a steroid as well because of adrenal insufficiency. If anybody has a problem of weak adrenals then taking any thyroid meds will soon bring this out into the open and one will feel a whole lot worse.

When I tried building up thyroxine instead of dessicated it was a disaster, it made me completely toxic and that was just 50 mcg whereas I tolerate 2 grains of dessicated thyroid (1 grain on waking and 1 grain lunchtime). I would never repeat that trial of thyroxine again but I do fine on just 25 mcg which I take along with the dessicated thyroid.

If you are hypothyroid and you find the right medication for you it can make a massive difference to how you feel, well at least that is my experience.

Boulder, CO
Has anyone had luck with raw glandulars helping their hypothyroidism? If so, would you please give your experience, brand used, and dosage?

My problem is not low t4, but rather conversion to t3, and TPO antibodies were low indicating Hashimoto thyroiditis is unlikely. What is best natural way to simply raise t3? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have tried just about every thyroid medication or natural alternative on the market. I have been hypo for 15 plus years. There is a newer desiccated thyroid medication that is completely standardized now for dose and has virtually no fillers or additives, WP Thyroid. I take it along with Tirosint - which is another new medication - to replace synthroid that is cleaner with better release. Natural thyroid dose not raise my T4 or TSH enough so I have to supplement with a combo of Tirosint & WP. But I will tell you that WP Thyroid (its by prescription) is the absolute best replacement out there for feeling "normal" again from hypothyroid because it contains T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4. I actually take my WP sublingually for the best release. Its a tiny pill and there is barely any taste. At one point NDT (natural dessicated thyroid) did have standardization problems but those days are long past. Good luck and take good care!


Senior Member
@jason30 It's possible you're having trouble converting t4 to t3 (some of us do) and the Thyro-Gold is simply layering the problem with added t4 you can't use.

Just an idea. Have you tried added zinc?

Hi Lou, I have used Zinc last year. After a regular blood research I found out that my Zinc was to high (7.6mg). And my copper was in the same period decreased (0.7 mg). Because Zinc inhibits copper I have decided to stop with Zinc for a while.
I could start again because it's 1 year ago. What is the relation between Zinc and the thyriod?

Do you think I could have benefit from only T3?


Senior Member
@jason30 Have you tried taking some adrenal cortex only on a daily basis for a couple of weeks and seeing how you feel. If this supports your adrenals sufficiently you might then be ok to reintroduce half a capsule of the thyroid product. Do you know what the dose is that you are getting from half a capsule?

I have been taking dessicated thyroid medication since 2002 and I have definitely learned that one has to have strong adrenals to get real benefits and no side effects. It's been a great help for me but I have to take a steroid as well because of adrenal insufficiency. If anybody has a problem of weak adrenals then taking any thyroid meds will soon bring this out into the open and one will feel a whole lot worse.

When I tried building up thyroxine instead of dessicated it was a disaster, it made me completely toxic and that was just 50 mcg whereas I tolerate 2 grains of dessicated thyroid (1 grain on waking and 1 grain lunchtime). I would never repeat that trial of thyroxine again but I do fine on just 25 mcg which I take along with the dessicated thyroid.

If you are hypothyroid and you find the right medication for you it can make a massive difference to how you feel, well at least that is my experience.


Hi Pam,

Indeed, my weak adrenals came definitely out when I took that thyriod supp.
Directly after I got that stressed feeling from the Thyro Gold I have started with adrenal cortex (from nutricology). I have benefit from this. So adrenal insufficiency is there as well.
Good to read that you have benefit from that steriod . Which steriod do you use for the adrenal insufficiency?

One Thyro gold capsule contains:
  • 150mg Bovine Thyroid powder
  • 50mg L-aspartic acid
  • 12.5mg Coleus forskohlii.
Is 150mg maybe to much?

My history: I have positive Anti-TPO and my TSH is between 5 and 6 for the last 5 years. So it's probably Hashimoto. My doc says I have a mild hypothyroidism. My FT4(15,5 pmol/l) and T4 are normal. Reverse t3 was last year 0.25 nmol/l.

My doctor doesn't advice any medication yet, however I have the complaints for years and want to do something about it. I even think that my thyriod problems are the cause of my fibromyalgia. :(

Both thanks for thinking with me.
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Senior Member
I have tried just about every thyroid medication or natural alternative on the market. I have been hypo for 15 plus years. There is a newer desiccated thyroid medication that is completely standardized now for dose and has virtually no fillers or additives, WP Thyroid. I take it along with Tirosint - which is another new medication - to replace synthroid that is cleaner with better release. Natural thyroid dose not raise my T4 or TSH enough so I have to supplement with a combo of Tirosint & WP. But I will tell you that WP Thyroid (its by prescription) is the absolute best replacement out there for feeling "normal" again from hypothyroid because it contains T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4. I actually take my WP sublingually for the best release. Its a tiny pill and there is barely any taste. At one point NDT (natural dessicated thyroid) did have standardization problems but those days are long past. Good luck and take good care!

Interesting, WP Thyriod looks good! Unfortunately they don't ship WP Thyriod internationally.


Senior Member
One thing I wanted to share with you all.

In the last 5 years I had one day that I totally felt normal and myself. That was the day I took the supplement Dexaprine. Dexaprine is a energy product, I took it when I played sports. I stopped with it because it was high in caffeine.
But, of course I was curious why I felt normal. A closure look into the ingredients brought me to these 2 interesting ingredients:
  • 3,3 Diiodo L-Thyronine
  • 3,5 Diiodo L-Thyronine
It seems that 3,5 Diiodo-L-thyronine is the chemical name for T2. 3,3 Diiodo L-Thyronine is the inactive form.
Thus, 3,5 is the ingredient I wanted to know more about.
Some info I have found:

T2 is a supplement, as in it adds a thyroid hormone to your body. It is not a prohormone like T4 (synthroid). Unlike T4 or T3 it will not shut down natural T4 or T3 production. T2 functions very similar to T3 but unlike T3 it doesn’t burn muscle while it is burning fat. In fact T2 may convert your slow twitch muscle fiber to fast twitch fibers!

3,5-Diiodo-L-thyronine (3,5-t2) exerts thyromimetic effects on hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis, body composition, and energy metabolism in male diet-induced obese mice.

Effect of 3,5-diiodo-L-thyronine on thyroid stimulating hormone and growth hormone serum levels in hypothyroid rats.

That day I became aware that the thyroid played a big role in my complaints.

Do any of you have experience with only T2?
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Senior Member
southeast US
Hi Lou, I have used Zinc last year. After a regular blood research I found out that my Zinc was to high (7.6mg). And my copper was in the same period decreased (0.7 mg). Because Zinc inhibits copper I have decided to stop with Zinc for a while.
I could start again because it's 1 year ago. What is the relation between Zinc and the thyriod?

Do you think I could have benefit from only T3?

Hi Jason, whether you'd benefit from only T3 is, of course, something you'd have to figure out with your doctor. Doesn't look like more zinc would be helpful, but there's an answer to your trouble, just keep looking. I wish you well.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
As far as I understand it, dessicated thyroid contains everything your thyroid needs which includes T4, T3, T2 and T1. It's just a case as to whether you actually need it and is it in the right proportion for you bearing in mind your adrenal status.

For example when I added in just 25 mcg thyroxine to the 2 grains of dessicated my muscles felt stronger so I was obviously benefitting from the bit of extra T4. My blood results show that I am around 13 on a scale of 9-22 for T4 so I obviously am able to convert it to T3 though I cannot tell you what my result for that is because the NHS just don't test for it on my annual blood tests! As we know the TSH is king here in the UK when testing thyroid function despite the fact that all it does it to test the brain's reaction and not the actual gland's response.
