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question about pots..oi


Senior Member
hello hoping someone can help i didnt know where to post and posted in antoher board but just saw this on for pots...

i had been venting about some porblems i was having and someoen with pots said it sound like i may have pots and suggested i talk to doctor..

i tried to find info on it and i did have alot of the sympotoms...but i saw wehre they will alot of times give medication to increase sodium retenition {forget excectally how it was said}

i am on furosemide and potassium for water retention...so wouldnt that rule out i dont have pots because they give medicatioon to retain and i need medicaitons to get rid of the retention?
I'm really not sure about that but I am sure I have read somewhere that you can get oedema with some forms of pots/OI which could I presume lead to you being treated for water retention. Not sure whether it would be an appropriate treatment if the underlying cause is something like POTS. It may be worth invesigating further.

Ihope someone else comes along with more knowledge than me.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
i am on furosemide and potassium for water retention...so wouldnt that rule out i dont have pots because they give medicatioon to retain and i need medicaitons to get rid of the retention?

How did they determine that you have water retention?



Senior Member
hello sushi...i get very swollen in hands and ankles, bloating alot..just look really puffy..and when you touch it looks i dont know the words....other than just looks feels very puffy swollen...and doctor gave me the pills and i will lose at times anywhere from 3 to 6 pounds of water weight over a weekend or days...

so thats why im wondering if i could have pots or becuase i have water rentention issue if it cant be that at all


Senior Member
Sth Australia
There are different types of POTS.

Many with ME/CFS have POTS due to low blood volume hence there is a need for those to be increasing blood volume etc but there is also hyper (cant remember what its called, its due to high adrenaline?) kind of POTS too... as far as I know that kind isnt necessary related to blood volume levels. (this kind of POTS also appears in ME/CFS).. I seem to have both kinds.

So yeah it is possible to have a normal blood volume but still have POTS due to the different kinds of POTS. How likely that would be in ME/CFS thou, I cant tell you.


Senior Member
thanks for the replies and info...i will make a note to talk to my doctor.

its hard because other day i got up and everything went black....and everyone talking to me was like they were very very far away ...and i walked to bathroom holding onto wall...i didnt want hubby or kids to see me pass out...and i didnt tell hubby because for awhile becuase i didnt want him to worry...its a scary feelingg....