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People with hsp (High Sensitive Person)

I'm one of those who had high sensitivity prior to cfs, and now with symptoms that match almost exactly Chronic Sore Throat / Mood Virus I feel somewhat worse. Had a lot of of extreme anxiety and nervousness since the onset on May 2010.

Going to a shopping /leisure center extremely overwhelms me and need to stay focused on myself for a long time. Too much stimulus I can't cope with.
Could be sensory issues like autism spectrum people have. Having mild autism seems common in ME patients. Some think the same genes related to autism make us more likely to get the illness.
From my point of view, being myself hsp, it is very different how you feel and sense the world. Autistics have someway inability to either perceive or express both internally and externally. Hsp on the opposite can do very well, however the stimulus are overwhelming and thus retract to themselves. Also it's more difficult for them to be assertive. I prefer to be hsp rather than autistic if you let me choose.
I think autism may be genetic defects plus something disrupting immune system functionality (like infections).

I feel sensory sensitivities could be caused by genetic defects, infections, or other causes like a neurological structural abnormality.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I don't feel that HSP is genetic. I think it's brought on by illness. My entire family loves noise, loud music, etc and I used to, too. But now that I have gone downwards health wise, I can't stand too much info or stimulus.

I went out the other night into the city with a friend. We went out for dinner at a place I normally love, but it was so loud. Too loud. Bustling and hustling and fun for most people but I turned to my friend and said, "All of this noise is driving me nuts. I really felt overwhelmed by it and yet a few years ago, I lived for it.

So, I think for me, as this illness has progressed, I have become less clear, less sharp and my ability to tolerate crap like noise and even in a hotel room, a flashing light that's over the bed...it drives me nuts.

I need quiet and yet before, I could take noise. Back in the 90's I shared a shore house with a bunch of friends and I had CFS. We were across the street from a loud store and parking lot. I slept there FINE. Now, I could never do that. NEVER.