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November 2013 CFSAC Meeting as Webinar


Senior Member
Just posted to the CFSAC listserv:

The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) will hold its fall meeting as a webinar on November 12 and 13, 2013, from 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm ET each day. This will not be an in-person meeting. Because of budget constraints and the government-wide Sequestration, federal advisory committees have been told to conduct at least some of their meetings as webinars or use other similar formats.

We will use webinar technology to accept questions to the committee submitted in real time, similar to the questions received on note cards from the last meeting. For the first time, we will accept prerecorded videos as public comment for the fall 2013 meeting. As in the past, we will have “live” public comment via phone and will accept written public comments. Detailed instructions for joining the webinar and providing public comment will be posted on the CFSAC website www.hhs.gov/advcomcfs/at a later date. Agenda items will be posted on the CFSAC website by October 28.

The 2014 CFSAC spring meeting will be in-person in Washington, DC; exact dates will be announced in 2014.

We continue to work on a contract with the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to develop recommendations for clinical diagnostic criteria. When the contract is finalized, we will provide additional information via the CFSAC listserv and website. This topic will be included as an agenda item for the November webinar.

If you have any questions, please emailcfsac@hhs.gov.

Thank you,

The CFSAC Support Team

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My my... What a coincidence. the timing is uncanny that the cfsac will be short days and not be held in person but by webinar only, just as they are contracting with IOM for a new CFS definition. By the spring cfsac the new definition will probably have been officially adopted. How convenient.