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NOD2, IBS-C, Gut Inflammation and Anxiety

Hello All, After years of having anxiety I have a hypothesis on what could be the cause. I have gut inflammation for years now and intolerance to high sulfur/fibre foods. People with IBS are known to have an issue with deto xifying H2S as per Briggs protocol. H2S can be toxic at high levels and can cause leaky gut. I have constipation as well. I also have NOD2 and SOD3 mutations. NOD2 seems to a main cause of gut inflammation. Does anyone here have a NOD2 mutation and IBS. If yes, what have you done to bring down the inflammation?


Senior Member
Sulphur intolerance could be related to molybdenum defciency , i would try taking it, slowly first and then up the dose .


This could be also related to Glyphosate in foods , it acts with molybdenum in a bad way . Glyphosate is not the only poison they use , so eating only organic would be good.


Body needs suplhur. I think something is wrong in our current enviroment, that so many seems to get Sulphur intolerance, i suspect toxins,heavy metals , and those can antagonise molybdenum which is needed for proper sulphur metabolism .

For gut inflammation, curcumine can help ( Solgar Full Spectrum Curcumin ) and if the reason for inflammation is caused by heavy metals , high dosage zinc, selenium and alpha lipoic acid help flush /bind heavy metals down . For herbicide toxins like Glyphosate need activated charcoal, clay or glutathione supplement which is sulphur based , so maybe use that later if get the sulphur issue solveld. Is the inflammation is caused by bacterias, wrong kind of bacteria in wrong place as if in SIBO i might suggest taking lots of natural antimicrobials and aftef that alot good probiotics, the anxiety might be becouse of gut microbiome issues which also would require a lot probiotics. Magnesium, zinc ,vitamin b 12 , all B-vitamins are important and could help with anxiety ; anxiety can be also just becouse gut dysbiosis produces toxins that effect the gut-brain connetion, and also directly by entering blood if have leaky gut, by taking activated charcoal 2-3 times a day might give some clue , i mean if you feel better taking it , it means you have toxins in your gut that have direct effect to your mood.

There seems to be general problem of not having bitters, which our intestines need . Bitters have changed to sweet taste which is bad. I think people should use Swedish Bitters , it`s wonderfull for body and specially for digestive system . Sugar is bad and dangerous to body.

@Archie Thanks for the response. The molybdenum factor seems to make a lot of sense. My problem may be a little different as I also react to Sulfates. Sulfates may get converted to Hydrogen sulfide in the gut. Some people have a deficiency of an enzyme that detoxifies H2S. H2S in the gut can cause inflammation and leaky gut. This has been explained in the Briggs protocol. Even taking Butyrate causes me more anxiety and so does foods which are fermented.
Btw, I also have a fungal overgrowth, one from Candida Apicola. Not sure if this is a pathogenic yeast strain. I also have heard that yeast contain H2S and H2S can cause chronic fatigue


Senior Member
Yes i just read about sulfate problems, not sure is it allergy , but if it is , gut microbiome is key factor allergys in general , so that`s one direction to try, i mean take alot different probiotics.

Candida seems to have some mechanism if it makes acetaldehyde , i dont know does that candida apicola do, but it`s very possible .

One website recommended Quercetin and Bromelain as it has some effect on allergie, regulates histamine, or break up histamine . I put some links here if you want to read .





I hope something helps, sometimes cant know in advance and so have to just try different things .