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MATCHING ANTIVIRALS: For EBV ONLY (advice on which Antiviral? PLEASE & Thanks! :)

Hi Friends,
I am wondering if there's either a poll, or some sort of consensus on which antiviral(s) work best for which particular suspected virus.

(I know what the MDS say, but I'd like to know what Phoneix Rising folks say, empirically!)

My quick story: Mono terribly at 18 (never fully recovered, maybe 90%, than gradual decline ever since, to about 30% now at age 30)
I do Not have HHV-6 high, nor CMV high-- JUST high IgG to EBV.

Dr.Montoya is recommending I try first Acyclovir, probably for one year.

Any others who ONLY have high EBV titres?
I'm EBV IgG 3.53 just now (though think was even higher before).

If so, which antiviral did you try? How'd it go? Any other tips before/while doing? Any tips I can pass on to my "supporters"-eg when I might epsecially need their help, etc? (In fact, please let me know exactly what to expect and when I will be all better?:D

Short of that, any bits of your EBV story/advice :)

THANK YOU so very much ,for your precious time/energy!:hug:



San Francisco
I had only EBV significantly elevated as well at IGG of 2.59 early this year without ever having "classic" mono (problems started after viral chest infection in 2009). I do believe it is less now (~80% functional) but won't know until my next test in 2 1/2 months. I have not taken any antiviral drugs so far, but a whole lot of AV supplements and herbs, immune-modulating drugs and supplements (LDN, inosine etc.) and therapies (CVAC). You can find the overview here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/showthread.php?13545-Treatments-overview&highlight=treatment+overview
Let me know what therapies you choose and if you go the AV drug route, I'd be certainly interested in updates. Also, a NK cell test and flow cytometry would be useful as well. cheers


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
im recommending famvir as i got nothing from valtrex, but im also cmv as well as ebv, but i do test neg to ebv now, not sure if its antivirals or i just dont produce antibodies to ebv anymore.
rome italy
HI HTree!
My story is very similar to yours
i got mono when i was 16 and recovered, but when i was 17 i started feeling ill. at the beginning it was not too horrible, i even had some good remission years, but i have been gradually worsening over the years (im now 28)
Im also seeing Dr Montoya and have been taking acyclovir for 6 months now.
when i got tested for pathogens i had EBV and some cocksakie and echovirus.
i just had my second visit with him. acyclovir is not really working for me, but it has worked for others. so maybe you are one of them. i would give it a try for sure. its put some people into remission.
I now lowered the dose of acyclovir and am going to start with equilibrium (oxymatrine and some herb supplements that Dr Chia makes). Im suppose to stay with this for 6 more months and then go back to see Dr Montoya. he says that you cant be really sure if acyclovir is working or not until a whole year has gone by. so im still crossing my finguers! :)

im also reading a lot about LDN lately and i want to start taking it whenever i can get a prescription. it seems to have helped a lot of people. and im also planing on telling Dr Montoya to change me from acyclovir to valtrex or famvir on my next visit or phonecall and see what he says.
what have you done these years with cfs? have you tried other treatments? have you decided what to do about the acyclovir?
i would tell you to increase the dose slowly if you are sensitive to medicine. i increased my doses on 400 mg and when i started taking my 3rd 400mg pill a day i got the herx. then i had to wait for a few months until i could increase again and i started increasing it only by 100 mg every week. for me it was better that way.
hope you have good luck with acyclovir and it helps you!
please keep us posted!


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I think its also possible that once viruses are completely suppressed and keeping them suppressed for a certain length of time can give your immune system the rest it needs to then keep these viruses suppressed. Although herbals and immune stimulants definately, cycloferron has helped improve my nk function.

Thanks All, for the suggestions.:thumbsup:

*Atoska, our stories do sound rather similar! Let's definitely keep eachother posted.
Sorry it takes me a while to check the forum sometimes; have you already seen Dr. Montoya again? What was his response to your desire to switch to Famvir?
I see Dr. Lerner (reading his literature) usually uses valacyclovir. I'm wanting to ask Dr. Montoya why he usually Starts with acyclovir instead (have you asked this question as well?) He mentioned something about acyclovir being less toxic so perhaps that's why first... But part of my thinking is, how great it would be to start ONE and stick with the one--even if more side affects--if it's the one that is best for EBV! I'm sure many factors go into his recommendation, but i'd be interesting in hearing what he tells you.

Have you also asked about using LDN / other herbs while doing the antivirals? It's that dilemma (i've had forever) of trying only ONE new thing at a time to understand which one is actually helping. But of course after over a decade of this, it's hard not just to want to try Everything and Anything that may help at the same time!:D! Ahem, yes we all have the patience of saints here..

Let me know if you've anyupdates, and I'll keep you posted as well. I decided to see one other "expert"- Nancy Klimas-- in November, and then I'll choose which antiviral/what to do. I think getting two opinions is always smart, if ofcourse, affordable and at all physically possible...

(have you had a second opinion other than Montoya--have you seen Chia? is that what you mention above? I'd be curious to more details there too...)

Ok, whew time for sleep.

take care--:hug:
H tree


Senior Member
wondering how it is going with anyone here that was on acyclovir? thanks!