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MARCONS testing - Negative but pseudomonas oryzihabitans

One of my treatments is the CIRS protocol. Interestingly, I am negative for MARCONS but positive for large biofilms of pseudomonas oryzihabitans. I wonder whether this is a large reservoir of LPS producing bacteria. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had some other nasty bacteria identified on MARCONS test.

My doctor initially wanted to leave this alone, but my thermogram showed very high inflammation around eye sinus area. He speculated that similar bacteria in this area may be exacerbating MCS due to link between nose and hypothalamus. Anyway, he has given me a protocol and I will keep you posted.
Simple protocol to kill: OTC olive leaf extract and XClear for biofilms. I may pulse these with lactobacto protocol since I am a firm believer in the terrain. I am worried and blitzing and leaving area open to new invaders.

To help with overreactive response (MCS) Rg3 plus B12 nail spray. That is on prescription to specialty compounding lab.

Caution - I have not started this and it may not work. I am seeing CIRS privately. First doctor that has actually listened to me and is not scared if I have ideas. Not sure I am allowed to publicize name of doctor - I am new to board so let me know.

Will recheck with thermogram probably in 4-6 months.
Well - only a few days in and experiencing stand out veins on hands and waves of loss of energy. Backing off. Will stick with kimchi for now. I am clearly very sensitive to die-off from this bacteria.

Disclosure: I am the subset with cardiolipin antibodies - range 20 to 28.


Senior Member
Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Hi @Nine lives . So for the lacto bacto, you're using kimchi juice? I've been thinking about trying that, but the thought of putting kimchi juice in my nose freaks me out a bit. Could you tell me how you apply it? I am also on a CIRS protocol right now. I've tested negative for MarCONS twice although on the second test, I tested positive for large amounts of CONS (the bacteria were not multiple antibiotic resistant) I've always had some sort of sinus issues ranging from moderate to severe. I have a medium deviated septum which may be contributing to this although I've been told by several ENTs that it's not severe enough to require on operation. The severe (sinus infections) happens infrequently thank goodness. But I've always had a lot of anxiety about being able to breathe through my nose. On the occasions that I've had sinus infections, I was climbing the walls. So I've always wondered whether a low-grade sinus infection was causing other health issues.

Any idea why it is that MarCONS needs to be treated, but CONS doesn't? I keep forgetting to ask my Shoemaker practitioner about that.
My doc says there is a worry that by blitzing this area to remove CONS that it could leave area open to getting MARCONS. He seems concerned about MARCONS and the difficulty to eradicate in long term.

I tried with olive leaf extract for the pseudomonas but it definitely caused a crash so for now I am holding off. I am looking to get healthier before addressing this head on. Kimchi is just dabbed on clean pinkie finger and rubbed in lower nose - yes - a bit gross! Only doing this for a few weeks on and off. Unfortunately difficult to tell if this is working since I don't have any overt sinus issues.


Senior Member
Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Ah I see. Just dabbing it inside the lower nose seems doable. Getting it further back in the nasal passages I'm sure would sting a bit... Maybe I'll try this out.

I used to have kimchi around all the time, but my stomach went south a while back and I can't really tolerate it. My wife was fine with this (the lack of klmchi, not my stomach issues) because she could never tolerate that kimchi smell...

Have you tried any other treatments like neti pot washes with or without adding things like iodine or colloidal silver?

Note: I have been trying Xlear by itself recently. I think that it sometime helps to clear my congestion, but not consistently.

My doc says there is a worry that by blitzing this area to remove CONS that it could leave area open to getting MARCONS. He seems concerned about MARCONS and the difficulty to eradicate in long term.

I tried with olive leaf extract for the pseudomonas but it definitely caused a crash so for now I am holding off. I am looking to get healthier before addressing this head on. Kimchi is just dabbed on clean pinkie finger and rubbed in lower nose - yes - a bit gross! Only doing this for a few weeks on and off. Unfortunately difficult to tell if this is working since I don't have any overt sinus issues.