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Live blood analysis.


Senior Member
Anyone had live blood analysis or ph levels checked in urine? I did today and my urine was 4 times acidic than it should be and my blood had bacteria and didn't look good at all. Been advised to start an alkaline diet.


Senior Member
Virginia, USA
my urine was 4 times acidic than it

This could be caused by many different things, including diet.

my blood had bacteria

I'm highly skeptical about that finding. If that were the case, you would mostly likely be in an hospital bed dying of sepsis (or very close to it.)

Been advised to start an alkaline diet.

Treatment for a (purported) finding of bacteremia is an alkaline diet? Truly amazing!

Was the person who diagnosed you an MD?


Senior Member
Alkaline diet is obviously because my ph is too acidic in my body not for the bacteria I could see moving around my blood cells.


Senior Member
Virginia, USA
for the bacteria I could see moving around my blood cells.

"Live blood analysis is not accepted in laboratory practice and its validity as a laboratory test has not been established.[4] There is no scientific evidence for the validity of live blood analysis,[4] it has been described as a pseudoscientific, bogus and fraudulent medical test,[5][6] and its practice has been dismissed by the medical profession as quackery.[7] The field of live blood microscopy is unregulated, there is no training requirement for practitioners and no recognised qualification, no recognised medical validity to the results, and proponents have made false claims about both medical blood pathology testing and their own services, which some have refused to amend when instructed by the Advertising Standards Authority.[8]"
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_blood_analysis


Senior Member
What other causes are there for high acidity in my urine? Drs aren't giving me answers so where do i turn?


Senior Member
my urine was 4 times acidic than it should be
Alkaline diet is obviously because my ph is too acidic in my body

To be clear, your urine showed acidic? But not actually the blood?

What other causes are there for high acidity in my urine?

One reason could maybe be your body tries to get rid of acidity.

Blood ph is usually measured with an arterial or capillary blood gas analysis. Had them 4 times, and each time consistently highly alkaline (~7.48; 7.35-7.45 normal range). Interestingly 2 of those ABGs occurred concurrent with urine analysis. Once with 3.8, the second with 7 as ph result (4.5-8.2 normal range) within one year.

Which shows blood can be highly alkaline with very acidic urine at the same time.

By the way, my 4 plasmodium falciparum malarias have been diagnosed by looking at my red blood cells under a microscope in Africa. Which is the usual method to diagnose it there.


Senior Member
My urine was acidic at 6.4 but my blood under the microscope didn't look healthy at all and there were little bits floating about with he said was bacteria.


Senior Member


Senior Member
My urine was acidic at 6.4 but my blood under the microscope didn't look healthy at all and there were little bits floating about with he said was bacteria.

If you compare your urine ph to mine, and how perfectly fine alkaline my blood was at the same time, you'll realize from that one ph of urine you can't conclude anything about the ph in your body at all.

I'm pretty sure in no time they'll find a microbiome like in the gut also in other body fluids. Since nothing so far is known about, I would just welcome these bugs, and start to worry if signs of sepsis start.