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I'm starving, please help


Senior Member
Some of the disasterous things that can happen with low stomach acid, most of them figure in CFS symptoms.:eek:

Although this is showing depletion of stomach acid by PPI's , low levels of stomach acid can caused by stress and age. By the time an average person is 70 their stomach acid level is only 20% of a 20 year old.


Reproduced from http://refluxdefense.com/heartburn_GERD_articles/side-effects-antacids-and-acid-blockers.html.
With respect, liverock this is not proven; there is much medical/scientific debate about it; i have slightly HIGH stomach acid; and PPIs have some benefit and can prevent potentially dangerous inflammation of oesaphagus, as well as reducing stomach acid; they can also stop debilitating non-cardiac reflux related chest pain(diagnosed as not heart related); like all medications the pros and cons, short, medium and longterm, must all be weighed up, on an individual basis. My overall cfs symptoms WELL predate acid reflux and gullet dysmotility, a condition which Zuriel was experiencing and, like me, has complex problems, which may be helped allopathically and/or by complemantary/alternative means, again on an individual basis; he needs to be assessed. it is important we give choices not(undoubtedly wellmeant) one-sided simplistic opinions and advice; fairly longterm uses of PPi have not, in my case, caused the horrendous problems u list, and to many have been efficacious and prevented development of oesaphagitis. Others may indeed have low stomach acid and react in the ways u mention.Please do not take this the wrong way; i think is important we give balanced opinions:) Thanks for ur input, Steve("Stevenski")