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How many have fever regularly? Any treatment that is most suitable for those who do?


Senior Member
I used to have a low temperature, around low 97 something. Ever since getting consistently sick I've pretty much had some sort of temperature basically every day. It worsens at night but it's never 98.6 or below, always higher, even in the mornings. Generally it ranges from about 99.5-101. When it gets to 100 or 101 I start really feeling it and feeling sick from it.

Are there many others with this symptom? What might be causing it? Is there certain treatment avenues that might fit someone with this symptom better than other treatments? I don't like having a temperature every day for more than a year now and I especially don't like when it gets higher, which lately it has been.

Thanks for any ideas. I hope I didn't post this exact same question before. I may have. If so, sorry. Please blame brain fog and fever ;)


Senior Member
In 10 years time I only had a fever once. That was a couple of months ago and I was surprised to get it. It only lasted for an evening.

Now, I do feel I have a high temperature most of the time. But when I measure it my temperature is always normal.
My baseline temp is low like yours, down near 97. My fevers come and go and are usually low. So low that medical professionals would declare I have a perfectly normal temp. So I differ from you there.

I'm starting natural thyroid for the low baseline temp. I hate when I get cold, and take too long to warm up. Lots of symptoms indicate low thyroid and standard tests prove nothing. It's extremely common to be low.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Early ME (first couple of years) I had on and off high fevers (not the mild ones they say we usually get)... ended up after that running a fever most of the time there for a while. From there I went to having a very very low body temp (at times under 36 degrees celcius).

Nowdays I have a normal temp but run a slight fever when Ive over done things. The fever is one of my warning signs that Im doing too much.


Senior Member
Tania I hope I will be like you and that the fevers will go away. I wonder if the fever is a warning sign to me that I've done too much. It does seem to get higher after activity sometimes but other times it goes up randomly and plenty of times it stays the same (about 99.5) whether I've done activity or not. I hate when some of my CFS symptoms are more abnormal among the population here, it makes me worry about those symptoms.


Senior Member
Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Hey Ocean,
I've never found a good allopathic explanation and I've been feverish for over the past 6 wks again. The first several years of my illness were with the same low-grade, unremitting fever - for me, it's hell. Being back in it right now has made me really aware of the symptoms though. The only explanation I've ever received is from my TCM practitioner, and it's a type of "deficiency heat." Sometimes it follows an obvious viral infection for me, where my body fights but doesn't have the energy to kick it. And it can be complicated by the pathogen/virus/? becoming lodged in a deeper layer because the body can't mount an appropriate defense. If there's "latent pathogen," certain herbs are needed to either clear it, to clear it and make the person stronger (depends how weak the person/strong the pathogen), or if it's just a deficiency fever, strengthening/tonifying herbs are required.

After 3 yrs with fever that Advil and Tylenol couldn't ever relieve, I saw a TCM practitioner, and two weeks after starting herbs, the fever relented for the first time in that many years. So, even though the concept wasn't meaningful to me, I really didn't care about why, I was just so grateful to have some relief. Recently my TCM practitioner described the deficiency heat as very similar to neutropenia. If you think about the fever being about defiency, you'll find that it does usually always worsen with exertion, but can go for a very, very long time with nothing but rest, and will reach highs and lows depending on the particular heat pattern/organ system involved.

When I began B12 and B-complex IM injections, I noticed - after several months - my temperature stayed more stable and I had less and less of the fevers. I started a small amount of Armour thyroid a little later (labs showed a problem) and perhaps that helped too. It was just fairly recently that I have had a full-on Epstein Barr re-infection (confirmed with blood tests) and now POTS and the fevers have returned. I have had a slightly easier time because I know what is going on with my body and why the fevers are there, but honestly, it only takes a couple of weeks before they (and the deficiency and heat symptoms that accompany them) just overwhelm me and are just horrible. I can really appreciate how horrible they are because I had a break for a while.


Senior Member
Hey Ocean,
I've never found a good allopathic explanation and I've been feverish for over the past 6 wks again. The first several years of my illness were with the same low-grade, unremitting fever - for me, it's hell. Being back in it right now has made me really aware of the symptoms though. The only explanation I've ever received is from my TCM practitioner, and it's a type of "deficiency heat." Sometimes it follows an obvious viral infection for me, where my body fights but doesn't have the energy to kick it. And it can be complicated by the pathogen/virus/? becoming lodged in a deeper layer because the body can't mount an appropriate defense. If there's "latent pathogen," certain herbs are needed to either clear it, to clear it and make the person stronger (depends how weak the person/strong the pathogen), or if it's just a deficiency fever, strengthening/tonifying herbs are required.

After 3 yrs with fever that Advil and Tylenol couldn't ever relieve, I saw a TCM practitioner, and two weeks after starting herbs, the fever relented for the first time in that many years. So, even though the concept wasn't meaningful to me, I really didn't care about why, I was just so grateful to have some relief. Recently my TCM practitioner described the deficiency heat as very similar to neutropenia. If you think about the fever being about defiency, you'll find that it does usually always worsen with exertion, but can go for a very, very long time with nothing but rest, and will reach highs and lows depending on the particular heat pattern/organ system involved.

When I began B12 and B-complex IM injections, I noticed - after several months - my temperature stayed more stable and I had less and less of the fevers. I started a small amount of Armour thyroid a little later (labs showed a problem) and perhaps that helped too. It was just fairly recently that I have had a full-on Epstein Barr re-infection (confirmed with blood tests) and now POTS and the fevers have returned. I have had a slightly easier time because I know what is going on with my body and why the fevers are there, but honestly, it only takes a couple of weeks before they (and the deficiency and heat symptoms that accompany them) just overwhelm me and are just horrible. I can really appreciate how horrible they are because I had a break for a while.


Did you get the B shots because of a tested deficiency or more for overall health? If it helped with the fevers I'd definitely like to ask my doctor about it. Is it something you have to go to a clinic for or that you can do at home? I'm glad you can relate on how bad the fevers make you feel. It may sound minor but it really affects wellbeing. I hope yours subside again very quickly.


Senior Member
Olympic Peninsula, Washington

Did you get the B shots because of a tested deficiency or more for overall health? If it helped with the fevers I'd definitely like to ask my doctor about it. Is it something you have to go to a clinic for or that you can do at home? I'm glad you can relate on how bad the fevers make you feel. It may sound minor but it really affects wellbeing. I hope yours subside again very quickly.
Hi Ocean, I know my B12 was in the 600s about 5 yrs ago or whenever it was first tested. When I finally got a workup for lupus, cancer and more, my B12 was tested again, and it was around 240. I believe 200 was the bottom of normal. On the Quest lab sheet, it states that low-normal levels have a number of fairly serious symptoms associated. This doctor, who did not and does not believe in CFS, decided I was D deficient and low B12 and ordered 1000mcg every other week for 1 month and then 1 per month after. My local doctor did the injections and decided to do 4 weeks in a row of the 1000mcg. After seeing that there was a slight response (and not a bad response at least), decided to keep going weekly for longer. When we scaled back to try monthly, there was a noticeable drop. BTW, this was the standard cobalamin B12. I stayed on mostly weekly subcu, then IM, shots for quite a while. She then began giving me 1500 mcg at times to see if it could keep me from needing injections as often.

Over a year later I found that it was officially diagnosed as pernicious anemia. Around that time I had started working with a CFS doctor who immediately said he usually prescribes 5000 mcg to 15000 mcg between once and 3x/week. I said I preferred to use 2000 (that's as high as my local doctor would go) since it seemed to help enough.

FF about 2.5 years and I am now taking 5000 mcg of a preservative-free hydroxy form of B12. My local doctor would not use the hydroxy form, claiming it might be unsafe, but the local urgent care (not very urgent there at all, not a busy environment) which I went to for some of the B12 shots when I could not get in with my doctor (which was a regular problem) said they would do it if the specialist MD wrote the order. I have had the order changed to up to twice a week of the 5000 mcg hydroxy and the injectible B-complex (it was decided to add this after a while since it seemed a better-rounded approach). Unfortunately, even though the doctor and pharmacy say to just use one needle to inject both together, they could not offer proof of the safety (no studies obviously), so I have to get 2 shots each week (yuck).

Sorry, I always get chatty, especially when I'm severely under the weather, but the important parts to share are probably:
1. Subcu shots really did not really help me (these are the kind you can do at home), I don't know why, but there was a large difference and I've stuck with IM.
2. IM shots are not fun, but after experimenting: first in arms, then in thighs while lying down, the newer place does them in the flank or upper buttocks. This has been the least painful, but nothing like the lasting pain I would get with arms/legs.
3. The cost for my prescription is $75 every two months for the specially-compounded B12 and B-complex (4 vials, 2 of each that expire 28 days after opening, I've never finished one). This is the least expensive I've found, and the cost is the same for a small vial or a larger, which stinks.
4. The hyrdroxy B12 was a definite improvement over the regular cyano, I don't know if I can explain the difference, but I think the normal, super-cheap cyano aggravated me and I'm not sure my body could deal with the additives.
5. The results probably took about 1 year at least to really feel that something had changed, more so than a temporary help that dissipated.
6. I never had euphoria or a great deal of energy after shots, though I noticed that - if I was out for 4 hrs total that day going to the doctors, getting groceries, getting my shots, driving in between, I was less likely to get sick with a virus or be flat out the next day or days following an outing if I had gotten B shots.
7. Insurance/Medicare has so far covered the cost of the injections themselves, I could never be an at-home self-shot-giver, and I don't think you can do your own IM shots.
8. Last B12 and folate tests came back at over the readable maximum: >1500.
9. After several B12 tests after weeks/months of the original cyano weekly injections, my level never got higher than 568. This helped nudge me to the CFS specialist's point of view that the hydroxy form is far more bioavailable.
HTH and you didn't fall asleep trying to finish. Still feverish, weak and tachycardic after 6-8 wks. So I'm a little loopier than usual...


Senior Member
I've attributed mine to likely being the result of one of the many viral illnesses I'm sure have been having a field day with my body through all of this. On the plus side, the feverish symptoms seem to have gone away as my overall condition and general comfort level have improved. Hope yours do the same!


Senior Member
hello ocean hope you are doing great : )

i am uusally 97 or so..but i do get low grade temp alot...if it gets to 98.7 sometimes it will be 99.00...i have ask the doctors in past and been told it is part of the fibro/cfs and that it happens to alot of pepole with these illness..

before being ill 98.7 didnt feel bad to me..but now its horrible i get sick to stomach, migranes, feel hot, sweaty clamy...at 99.0 its even worse...

a few things that helps me is to eat ice chips, take motrin, put cold towel on head and lay in dark room because i usually get mirgrane wiht up temp...or take a bath....take socks off and put fan on me...

it does seem like something is off wack with our heating/cooling in our bodies...{sorry cant think of right words been along night}