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Heart rate and muscle usage

Berkshire UK
I have followed for a few years the Workwell Foundation work on the anaerobic threshold and tests for post exertional malaise. I am in the UK and cannot easily get a test to measure my anaerobic threshold with ME.

I do think my anaerobic threshold on an ok day is about 103 bpm and am most aware that this varies. However, I am wondering if pilates style movement leads to post exertional malaise as long as one keeps under the anaerobic threshold on a good day.

Does anyone have any experience? I am always keeping below what I think I can do. My new area to now look at is somehow (maybe impossible) toning my muscles. I have managed to lose about 32 lbs during the past year adapting the Paleo eating according to what I know about ME nutritional needs and following this regime for 90% of the time.

I have decided (my own personal wisdom) that even people who can exercise should learn their sedentary dietary needs and work from that rather than this huge concentration on burning calories but still eating too much. Nutritionally dense, seasonal, organic, geographic makes sense to me. Plus enjoying it so far!

All ideas welcome on the "exercise" front - I think we need a new word for exercise whether a word for small movement or whatever.

Thank you.



I have limitations even been on a 9 on the scale of certain things I cannot do due to orhtotatic intolerance (I assume): Even if I keep under AT.
Example: Yoga: Things where I bend over and stand up fast like from down dog to sun salute (I think is called).

So basically: Changing positions too sudden, raising arms above head, bending, jumping.

Note: the immune system side can give me symptoms even if I wouldn't suspect things for me like: Equinacea tea, any drink with too much zinc.... Any inmine booster food, any vassodilation food.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
In the U.S. it is easier to get an aerobic threshhold (a.k.a lactic acid) test than the 2-day CPET that the Workwell Foundation does. Physical therapy and sports places do them here. I don’t know if it is the same there.