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Senior Member
This is completely contra what Longo thought and what his data formerly showed, according to the most recent Fast Diet book. :rolleyes: :meh: I wish to hell they'd make u p their $#@! minds. :mad:

Honestly, I think Longo may be shifting his stance a bit in response to feedback from people. His cautionary statements in the article tell me there have probably been quite a few complaints about how people are feeling while 5:2 or 4-day fasting. IMO those longer fasts (24+ hours) are not a particularly good "starting out" strategy for people who are seriously overweight, half-sick, used to eating a crappy, processed diet, and unaccustomed to listening to their body's feedback. And I suspect those are exactly the people who are trying it.

Are you talking about the book of 2013? If yes, it's possible that Longo was still studying it.

I have water fasted for 8 days. Unfortunately it didn't cure any of my conditions but it was a nice test for my will.

Did you get worst or no difference at all?


Senior Member
he apparently sells 5-day food packs designed by his team for something like £150.
Really? How convenient that he's apparently changed his mind about his earlier data and now sells stuff to fit the change! Serendipity, baby! :meh:

Though a quick Google shows that 3 days might work just as well.
According to the Fast Diet book (Longo's research is a foundation of that book although Longo is not the author), 4 day fasts of very low calories are enough to induce the "metabolic reset" benefits. 4-day fasting was a lynchpin of Longo's original research and lifestyle, according to the This is why I was a bit suspicious of the motivation behind the new data. Now I'm definitely a lot more suspicious since he's selling packages to help people follow his new guidelines. Sounds like Bambi Longo might be a little disgruntled that the Fast Diet author was making all the lira, based in large measure on his research.

I suspect all fasting probably has some benefit for most if not all people. Obviously, too much will be detrimental for everyone. There may be an optimum, but reaching precise optimum may not matter as much as consistency (not frequency!) of application.


Senior Member
According to the Fast Diet book (Longo's research is a foundation of that book although Longo is not the author), 4 day fasts of very low calories are enough to induce the "metabolic reset" benefits. 4-day fasting was a lynchpin of Longo's original research and lifestyle, according to the This is why I was a bit suspicious of the motivation behind the new data. Now I'm definitely a lot more suspicious since he's selling packages to help people follow his new guidelines. Sounds like Bambi Longo might be a little disgruntled that the Fast Diet author was making all the lira, based in large measure on his research.

I suspect all fasting probably has some benefit for most if not all people. Obviously, too much will be detrimental for everyone. There may be an optimum, but reaching precise optimum may not matter as much as consistency (not frequency!) of application.

I think he is not making money with this company, I read that the profit will go to research or something but I am not 100% sure.

According to the documentary and the doctors involved in it (Russians and Germans), the more you fast the better you feel (in the case fasting works on you).


Senior Member
Are you talking about the book of 2013? If yes, it's possible that Longo was still studying it.
The pub date on mine is January 2015, so the update was probably being written second half of last year. I can't get to the article so don't know anything more about the study.

I will opine that the trials that the data have been based on so far haven't been all that long.


Senior Member
The pub date on mine is January 2015, so the update was probably being written second half of last year. I can't get to the article so don't know anything more about the study.

I will opine that the trials that the data have been based on so far haven't been all that long.

Well you can send him an email if you want :)


Senior Member
According to the documentary and the doctors involved in it (Russians and Germans), the more you fast the better you feel
This has been my experience, although there's definitely a point at which you go overboard and things go in the toilet. After doing 4:3 for a little over two weeks, I may be reaching that point. The past couple days/nights have been less than stellar, although there are other things going on that could explain that, too.

According to the documentary
Do you have a link to that? I'd like to see it.

My cynicism may indeed be uncalled for. Should probably reign it in a little. ;) It's not a great Monday. It's also just a little surprising how things have changed so quickly and suddenly they're selling support for the changes. When changes are made under those circumstance, profit is frequently the motive rather than actual increase in benefit. Although he could just be meeting demand. Most of us aren't big on measuring our food precisely to balance ratios.

Well you can send him an email if you want :)
Nah, not that worried about it. I'd rather just kvetch a little. :p Although it's a thought. :)


Senior Member


Senior Member
I guess all I can say about the fast mimicking diet is that I would be willing to try it, while strict water fasting would probably be too rough on my system at this point. But I would do it with the kinds of foods I already eat - NOT the £150 packs :) I think I could get the carb (47%), fat (44%) and protein (9%) portions about right, though apparently these ratios are to ensure that you don't 'feel' like you're fasting - whatever that means!


Senior Member
You might try what they call 16/8...16 hours per day fasting, then eating all your calories in an eight hour window. This supposedly gives a lot of the same health benefits as a longer 24- or 36 hour fast, without nearly the stress on the adrenals (or anything else).

There's a good book called "The Fast Diet" that gives a lot of the science behind fasting. That's what got me into it and committed to it. There was an adjustment period but once I started actually feeling the benefits it got easier. I was already feeling a lot better by the time I started fasting, though, so if you decide to do it please go slow. Esp. in the beginning it can be kind of tough, although I never found 16/8 to be particularly hard.

Hope more people chime in than just me. Good luck!

hi there @whodathunkit

Is this the Fast Diet book you're referring to?

did you ever use MCT oil or coconut oil to help w ketosis? did it help? have you seen any reputable write ups of benefits?

Oh lordy! PLEASE don't do this if you have low cortisol/adrenal issues. Ugh. I know other people with other conditions benefit but I also have the aforementioned conditions and have just finished a *very* modified version of the Bruce Fife Coconut Oil Cleanse, to jumpstart my Candida clearing.

When I say modified, I made sure to include a small amount of plain greek yogurt and some fresh coconut meat (which Fife allows) along with the homemade electrolyte drink he encourages you to drink to replace lost minerals. In addition, I added bone broth to the mix because some people like going on the 3 day Bone Broth cleanse for Candida.

Even with consuming good amounts of the nutritious foods mentioned above, I could only make it 2.5 days, not 3.

And I feel like death now. I was doing pretty well before but now my hair is falling out and my face is covered in acne. As soon as I started eating solid foods again, I would get the runs and my digestion *still* feels weird, 24 hrs later.

Here's a good podcast episode from Chris Kresser where he discuss who might and who might not benefit from intermittent fasting. Notice what he says about people who have hpa-axis dysfunction.I have also dabbled a bit in the 5:2 diet a few years back and I also saw no benefit and felt poorly.

Fasting is a stressor on your body. Period. If you feel like your system is managing stress pretty well but you are trying to mitigate other symptoms that are metabolic or inflammatory in nature, maybe it's fine. But if you don't tolerate stress well and your adrenals are shot, I would strongly recommend walking away and finding something else!

Good luck and hugs to you!
