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Excessive activity of the sympathetic nervous system

Excessive activity of the sympathetic nervous system depletes the body.
It leads to improper management of the heart, stomach, overload on the thyroid gland, decreased immunity. Chronic stress - insomnia, fog, inflammation of the central nervous system ....

anxiety syndrome, stress, depression, insomnia, headaches
asthma, diabetes, spastic colitis
ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure
inflammation, chronic pain syndrome, lack of energy, temperature

We take to reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system - benzodiazepines, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants ....

How to reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.
It can be active as a result of inflammation of the infection, and the answer is obvious.

Hormones, blockers (adreno), substances that reduce the amount of catecholamines, substances that affect the receptors of dopamine, serotonin, herbs .....

How to increase the proportion of the parasympathetic nervous system, except meditation and work with the vagus nerve?

What do you know about this?
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Senior Member
Herbs like Camomile, Skullcap, Valerian are quite strong and can help balance the parasympathetic nervous system with the symphathetic.
Peppermint can also help as a relaxant for smooth muscle. Lavender is another idea. Lavender flowers can be drunk as a tea.
Also possibly melatonin supplements? Meditation may also help.
It doesn't always have to be about benzos.

I don't know an awful lot about dysautonomia, but know something about herbs, having worked with them since the 80s.


Senior Member
With all the different diets recommended, I find the approach of the late Dr. Nicolas Gonzales interesting, in that he prescribed a specific diet according to dominance in his cancer practice. Here the notes I jotted down from one of his interviews:

Dominant sympathetic types: Typ ‘A’ personalities, disciplined; mostly solid cancers; do good on much plant based foods: fruits, vegies, seeds, grains, nuts, plant based oils: hemp, flax; Vitamin B1, B2, B3, 8:1 ratio magnesium to calcium, High vitamin C & D; but not on much meat protein, No b12, no choline, no pantheonic acid, no zinc, no selenium, no fish oil. Yes to beta carotene, chromium, folic acid, riboflavin, thiamin,& niacin

Parasympathetic types are rather creative with unconventional ‘formal’ education; mostly blood-based cancers; do good on lots of meat and a ketogenic diet, saturated fats, fats from fish oils, Calcium 10-15 ratio to magnesium (High magnesium causes depression), Vitamin B12, B5, Choline; not as good on grains or seed. Need zinc & selenium, not good with other large Vitamin B doses.

Mixed or balanced types: suffer rather from allergies and fatigue.

Two links with discussions of him: http://www.dr-gonzalez.com/crayhon.htm http://www.dr-gonzalez.com/totalhealth_11_06.htm#diets

Since I've been basically vegan for 30 years and after getting really sick at age 40, I gradually added eggs, fish and even a bid (organically raised) beef back in. Since I did experience a remission (from PAD) 4 years ago, additionally to diet changes also really did well on high doses of all nutrients mentioned, I assume to match the mixed type best.