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Dante Labs discount until 19th August


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Dante Labs currently has a discount on all it's genetic tests. I have only just noticed it and it runs out on the 19th August. I have just purchased a full genome test at €299 which is €100 discount with the discount code on the main page. BTW the discount code is

I do not know how long this discount has been available. I did have a page watch but it only monitored the price and not separate discount codes.
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FYI - I don't know if they still guarantee results within 50 days, but they did when I purchased and I'm currently at 75 days and counting. When I inquired about my results, they just said my results are in some sort of quality control and did not give me a receipt date. It's been over a week since our communication and still nothing...tired of the wait, but looking forward to the results.


Senior Member
What does this cover that 23andme doesn't? I realize 23andme doesn't do all genes.


This is whole genome sequencing. They will target specific disease markers in your report per request.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
FYI - I don't know if they still guarantee results within 50 days, but they did when I purchased and I'm currently at 75 days and counting. When I inquired about my results, they just said my results are in some sort of quality control and did not give me a receipt date. It's been over a week since our communication and still nothing...tired of the wait, but looking forward to the results.
Yes they still do. It does not sound like you have had a good service so far.

It might be worth clearly stating how long you have been waiting to see if you can get some sort of recompense. Maybe ask them to re-send the sample container so that you can provide a fresh sample seeing as you have not received what you have paid for. They might of had problems with the previous one. I hope that you get it sorted out and get your results soon.

What does this cover that 23andme doesn't? I realize 23andme doesn't do all genes.
As gene discoveries are made, this can be used to check whether any apply to you. Therefore this will cover everything, now and in the future so can be used for any of it whereas 23andme cannot.

This is whole genome sequencing. They will target specific disease markers in your report per request.
I wanted to ask about what to ask for with regard to CFS. Do you know of a site or can you tell me what are the main genes/SNP that cover all the main CFS affecting genes such as MTHFR etc.


The discount is still currently active so if anyone still wants to take advantage of this then it might be a good idea to do it ASAP. These discounts only come up every now and again, the last one was on Prime Day so they do not last long. I only found this by chance.

It is a US company so it looks like it should run out at the end of Sunday which I understand is EDT.
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@Carl - Thank you for the kind follow-up. I did let them know how many days it had been when I wrote. Also, funny enough, when they sent me a kit, they didn't include a packing slip to return, so I had to contact them. They provided me a packing slip and after I sent my specimen, another collection kit arrived in the mail. I didn't know if they had received my original sample and if they needed another; they did not, the second kit was sent in error. All of this could be sorted out easily if they provided better updates in one's online Dante Labs account. The woman who has responded, Claudia, has been polite and responsive each time I've contacted them. They did receive my original sample, it has been processed, and is just at some final "quality" review stage...have no idea what that means, but hopefully results will be coming soon.

I don't know which genes in particular for ME/CFS and they would not either, I'm fairly sure, since it is still being worked out in research. There are some papers with threads on here discussing specific genes, so I will be looking at those again when my results are back and so will have to duplicate some of my prior research searches on PR. I'm specifically interested in ruling out any mitochondrial diseases, which is my original purpose in WGS. Also, I'd like to have the data so I can provide it to researchers. And, I'll be happy to have my results as new research is published so I can track where I might fit or not fit.

I plan to also upload the data to some programs, like Promethease, that help interpret results. My 23&Me results were helpful on Promethease as I learned I'm at high risk for having a severe reaction to a gout medication. After reading up, I learned that normally only Asian people are screened for the genetic defect (I'm Caucasian) prior to being prescribed the drug.


Senior Member
Thanks for sharing @Carl @Diwi9

Do you know if Dante Labs will report on your mitochondrial DNA? I emailed them about the options regarding mtDNA. They replied “We do not provide a mitochondrial DNA analysis from our Whole Exome sequencing but we can provide you with mitochondrial panel only for $199.” So I wasn’t sure If this mito panel is included in the WGS kit or not..?


Thanks for sharing @Carl @Diwi9

Do you know if Dante Labs will report on your mitochondrial DNA? I emailed them about the options regarding mtDNA. They replied “We do not provide a mitochondrial DNA analysis from our Whole Exome sequencing but we can provide you with mitochondrial panel only for $199.” So I wasn’t sure If this mito panel is included in the WGS kit or not..?
Wow...that's a bummer. I didn't realize that, so who knows what data I will receive and when I'll receive it. Thanks for giving me a heads-up.
Wow...that's a bummer. I didn't realize that, so who knows what data I will receive and when I'll receive it. Thanks for giving me a heads-up.

I emailed them again, asking if the mitochondrial panel is included in the WGS kit or not. Reply: “The mitochondrial DNA panel will be included as a customized report , free of charge, along with our Whole Genome Sequencing analysis.” So looks like they will provide data on mtDNA - just not from WGS.
More from my correspondence with Dante Labs: “The mtDNA analysis relies on NGS. We provide mitochondrial DNA enrichment and then the sequencing of the mitochondrial genome. As output, you will receive both the raw data and the vcf”.

So that seems good. Sorry for the confusion @Diwi9!


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Also, funny enough, when they sent me a kit, they didn't include a packing slip to return, so I had to contact them. They provided me a packing slip and after I sent my specimen, another collection kit arrived in the mail.
Your lucky that you received 2 saliva collection kits TBH. This has been the 11th day since I ordered and now they have sent me an email saying that there is a delay in sending the kit. They have given 5th September as the latest date that I should receive it. Therefore it looks like it could be near Christmas when I should expect the results......

Your order has not been shipped due to an expected number of orders received.
Due to an expected number of orders received? Surely that should be an unexpected....? It looks like a lot of people on the internet noticed the offer and took it up at the reduced price.


@Carl - On Monday I was notified that my DNA sample has been properly extracted and sequencing will begin. Dante Labs received my sample in mid-June!


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@Carl - On Monday I was notified that my DNA sample has been properly extracted and sequencing will begin. Dante Labs received my sample in mid-June!
Good to hear that things are now moving along and that you should soon get what you paid for.

I have received another email from them telling me that the sample collection kit has now been shipped. The email is a bit confusing, the kit has been shipped from Italy and therefore English will not be the primary language.
We have shipped your HD containing your raw data.
My HardDisk containing my raw data? I have not yet sent a sample which means there could not of been any DNA sequencing and I have not paid the much higher price for a HD of my raw data. Confused. However the email subject line does say a saliva collection kit.

Does anyone know whether the DNA sequencing is only done in the US? Or is it also done in Europe? The website does say there is a network of labs which suggests that there might be some outside the US ie in Europe.

They seem to ship from Italy in Europe but does the sample go to the US for the actual DNA processing + sequencing?

Does anyone know the size of the raw data? Even an estimate. I suspect that it could be quite large depending upon the coverage. For their more advanced test Whole GenomeZ there is meant to be a Hard drive included with the data whereas the Whole Genome is meant to provide a flash drive. It says that they send a 8GB flash drive with the data. However google shows
More than 150 GB data available.
Compression might reduce that significantly. I do not know whether 150GB is for the more advanced test GenomeZ with 30x and 130x coverage of Whole genome and exome which is meant to be provided on a hard drive. That could be the total size of the two data types ie VCF and BAM.

Does anyone have any idea?


Senior Member
Dante Labs currently has a discount on all it's genetic tests. I have only just noticed it and it runs out on the 19th August. I have just purchased a full genome test at €299 which is €100 discount with the discount code on the main page. BTW the discount code is

I do not know how long this discount has been available. I did have a page watch but it only monitored the price and not separate discount codes.
Dante Labs currently has a discount on all it's genetic tests. I have only just noticed it and it runs out on the 19th August. I have just purchased a full genome test at €299 which is €100 discount with the discount code on the main page. BTW the discount code is

I do not know how long this discount has been available. I did have a page watch but it only monitored the price and not separate discount codes.
Thank you for the information. I understand Genos.co also provide a test. Is there anyone out there who knows which is the most complete test? Dante offers a choice of 3. Genos seems to have 1 test.

Which is the test that is most useful? Thank you.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Thank you for the information. I understand Genos.co also provide a test. Is there anyone out there who knows which is the most complete test? Dante offers a choice of 3. Genos seems to have 1 test.

Which is the test that is most useful? Thank you.
The whole genome test is the most complete but it does require interpretation. Once you have the data it can be used as genetic research evolves.

That site, from a brief look, seems to only offer an exome test and compares it to 23andme stating that it offers more than 23andme, at a significantly higher price I might add. I suggest you read up on Exome and Genome and decide which is most appropriate.