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D-Ribose and Diarrhea


Senior Member
I just started taking D-Ribose. I took one dose yesterday evening, then another one with each meal today. It seems to be helping, but I got really bad diarrhea this afternoon and again this evening, and I think it's the Ribose.

Has anybody else had this issue? Should I reduce the dose, or get off it altogether? Or do I just need to give my body time to adjust? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Co-Q10 makes me constipated, so i'm wondering if the two would balance each other out. Probably a terrible idea?

- A


Senior Member
I would stop it for now until the diarrhoea settles and restart D-Ribose at 5g 1x daily and see how you go on just the 1 dose a day. I took it 2x daily and never had any problems with it but some people do have very unpleasant symptoms on D-Ribose.


Senior Member
Never had any issues with D-Ribose.

Was their any fillers or additives?

D Ribose from Now Brand had a strange smell compared to the 2 high end brands that I have tried. Could be a quality/purity issue?


Senior Member
Thanks for the comments, Rosie and Justin.

I am going to stop taking it until my guts are happy again, then restart on a lower dose.

It is the Now brand that I am using. It says things on it like "100% pure" and "GMP Quality Assured." Which probably means nothing. The only *listed* ingredient is corn, but I know they are legally allowed to stick a certain percentage of other junk in there without telling us about it. It doesn't brag about being organic or anything, so I'm sure it's probably been dosed with pesticides and herbicides and preservatives.

I just paid $35 for about 9 days worth of this stuff (at 15mg per day). I hate to think what the high-end brands cost.


Senior Member
@Arius I used to buy the 250g bottle of Doctor's Best D Ribose which came in powdered form with a 5g scoop. It cost me around $60-70NZ depending if on special. I should have bought it over the internet as it is a lot cheaper. The price you are paying does sound like a lot for 9 days.

Good luck and let us know how you go.