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Brain fMRI in patients complaining of electrohypersensitivity after long term exposure to EMFs


Senior Member
I am sorry I put in a chamber, but I suppose the statement "Let's expose people with electro sensitivity to the most powerful magnets and radio waves found"---why would you want to do that? "Studying electro sensitivity without double blind tests of susceptibility is like studying diabetes without measuring glucose levels" which was other the reason for my assumption that you didn't know what you were talking about.

Yes understanding non-ionised radiation and electricity and magnetism is a hard subject, after all I spent a long time instructing on such, to all our military personnel. I am so pleased that you are aware that people who suffer from EHS are not a mental case and they do need empathy and understanding, and aware that a MRI will not give any information to prove or disprove microwave illness, microwave syndrome, EMF syndrome, ES or EHS.

If you would like to learn more about ES/EHS then join us on a forum on FB, were we discuss it. Yes, ME, CFS and FMS is for real and the combination of those syndromes and ES/EHS makes life hard.

As for the difference between non-ionised or non-ionized tells me exactly how much you know, even after nearly finishing your degree at University, what a shame you didn't finish it. I thought they would have informed you that the radiation from analogue and digital wireless devices is "2B Carcinogenic", including ELF from electric/magnetic fields. Here is an old military microwave expert, please view the video:


Senior Member
I am sorry I put in a chamber, but I suppose the statement "Let's expose people with electro sensitivity to the most powerful magnets and radio waves found"---why would you want to do that?

Because to restate again, MRI machines produce precisely the same radiation at much, much higher levels than some are concerned about causing electromagnetic sensitivity, hence the initial comment.

You claim to be an expert and are basically arguing from authority, while using terms that are flat out incorrect.

The scientific way to test if someone is sensitive to something they believe causes them pain is not to dig into mechanisms as a first shot, but to see if they are right. It is very, very easy to convince ourselves of things that aren't true, and something else may be triggering their sensitivity.

These tests will inform you of the frequency ranges and amplitudes to which they are sensitive, or not sensitive, and allow further investigation.

If someone says that cellphones doing X causes them pain, then don't believe them, or disbelieve them, when the test is easy and cheap.

Doing a simple study with cellphones and other transmitters in boxes to find out sensitivity levels would have been far cheaper than the above study, which unless they highlighted the fact that they do not believe at all in electrosensitivity and that MRI machines emit massive amounts of radio energy into the patient is very ethically dodgy.


Senior Member
Yes Roger, MRI machines do produce radiation and fields, I haven’t tested them as I wasn’t able to take a metre in with me when I was having a MRI, and I wasn’t able to move around to check the levels of EMR and ELF, but I felt the EMR and ELF, and was ill for many days after. I may have read your statement in another direction, but at the same time I didn’t say MRI cause EHS, but made EHS sufferers worse.

My point is that an MRI would NOT prove anything whatsoever if a person is suffering EHS, as EHS is a microwave illness, but it would probably see the cancers in the organs of a body and breasts.

I am sorry Roger I don’t use incorrect terms! You did make a comment of my use of “ionised” instead of “ionized”. I can assure you that I know what I am talking about, is an expert, but not a scientifically qualified university student. Did you view the video, that chap is an expert also and well-known.

Your statement: “scientific way to test if someone is sensitive” is a typical of so-called biased medical research of today. Once again I will emphasise that microwave non-ionised radiation (EMR) and electric/magnetic fields (ELF) are classified “2B Carcinogenic” and all “unbiased” medical research has shown that research animals (mice, rats, and rabbits) show neurological, cardiovascular and haemodynamic from physical actions and biopsy examinations that were conducted under very low levels of radiation and fields.

When you suffer from pain is only one of the symptoms from an “electromotive force (emf)” that is being applied to a human body against their will, which could also be a source that causes ME, CFS and FMS and not a chemical or bacteria---we will never know. But, I do know that since the introduction of wireless technology brain tumours and breast cancer has increased, and a number of well-respected surgeons have confirmed that.

I am not sure if you assume that you believe and EHS sufferer are like an ON/OFF switch and react instantly to a switch. EHS is microwave illness is a very slow progressive illness and not an instantaneous effect, it take sometimes a number of years before you begin to notice the symptoms, the same as ME, CFS and FMS. Many of those sufferers are being diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy and myopathy, muscle atrophy, MS and AD.
A cardiovascular specialist has said he has noticed the increase of heart rate in a wireless radiation area, and when they tested a subject connect to an ECG machine, when they turned the phone ON the patient’s heart rate increased and once the phone was turned OFF, their heart rate decreased.

When I have gone to a medical centre that is full of wireless radiation, my heart rate is about 120/80 and after sitting in the waiting room for ages and when the doctor checks my heart rate it would go up to 140/70, and that isn’t anxiety.

In one medical research they said: “the frequency of the outside field corresponds to the oscillation frequency of the cells that lead to deterioration---the alteration of the permeability of the blood-brain barrier that could allow neurotoxins in the blood to cross---as a result, and individual could develop severe neuropathological symptoms and become seriously impaired neurologically.”

Roger, this disorder has been around since 1881---137 years, it’s not something that began with wireless technology over the past two decades triggering their sensitivity. There are other aspects, such as an “electromotive force” electricity and wireless radiation. Long-term exposure to electricity of 5 milligauss and wireless radiation of 0.005mW/m2 will cause health problems.

As is said before the medical knowledge from 30 years ago knew that the people exposed to microwave radiation (EMR) (wireless radiation) below thermal levels experience more neurological, cardiovascular and haemodynamic disturbances than unexposed people, which also exhibited neurasthenic disorders against a background of changes in tonicity of blood vessels!

Many simple studies have been conducted mobile and DECT phones, which were easy and cheap and had shown medical results. It would have been easier and cheaper if they had studied all unbiased medical research, instead of going ahead with this so-called study in a fashion to show that those EHS suffers are not ill, but suffering a mental disorder. I have had many MRIs to find out why I suffered CFS, FMS and microwave illness over the years, and I now suffer from peripheral neuropathy and only a nerve conduction test had shown that.

MRI doesn’t emit the same radiation as a mobile phone or tower, or DECT phone, or microwave oven, which would be in the vicinity of -29dbm.

All the best.