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Appointment with KDM! any advice?

I have made an appointment with KDM for the 28 of january. I am so excited but i am very new to this "gut stuff" before i have focused on anti virals, methylation, ldn, I am torn because i have a hard time choosing between the theories! i just want a doctor to tell me " yes this is the golden way" instead of this when i take

methylation protocoll
vit C
coenzyme 10
fish oil
vit D3
acetyl l carnitine
gluthathione (livon labs the yucky goo)
just stopped inosine
magnesium malate

I have also started a candida free diet ( aka no wheat, sugar, caffine, mold, yeast, and dairy... but dairy is hard for me to quit)

what has KDM told you when you have seen him, i have heard that he changes approches quite a lot....
do any of my supplements collide with the gut theory?

oh and i am hoping to have a baby soon
well a little rant from someone with some KDM hope!


Where is the sun?
Hi Alexa,

I am a patient of KDM since more than a year. What you have to know is that his treatment work with some persons, but not with others: it seems to work with me but not with my sister...
The therapy is quite expensive. The tests are expensive, the medication also. He is not very "funny", he is a bit "cold".
But I am very happy of his diagnosis, and of the treatment. He is the only one in Belgium how hasn't said to me: "make some exercice ... Try the GET therapy... You're not ill... It is a depression..."
What you have to do is to make a list with all your questions, etc... You only have 15 minutes.
What you have to know also is that the tests results takes sometimes 2, 3 month....

Hope it is going to work with you

Have a nice day

yes i have heard that time is short... what could i possibly ask in 15 min? i have so many questions that it all seems too big..
"what is cfs?"
"will i get better"

i am so excited to speak to a doctor who doesn't confuse the disease with fybro or depression as they do here..


Southern USA
You can only have 15 mins? I usually talk to my integrative doctor for at least an hour. Takes a long time to discuss supplements and answer my questions. Hard to learn a lot in a short time, for the doctor also.


Where is the sun?
yes i have heard that time is short... what could i possibly ask in 15 min? i have so many questions that it all seems too big..
"what is cfs?"
"will i get better"

i am so excited to speak to a doctor who doesn't confuse the disease with fybro or depression as they do here..

Hi Alexa,

First time, I meat him, it takes 2 minutes to him to say: you have a gut problem. I explain: he just put his hand on a specific place ( the gut) and then push. I think that giving birth was less painfull!!!
He can response to your questions ( have a good preparation). For the medication, he always follow the results of the tests... You can talk about the supplements, but in my case, I had to wait 2 month to have his first "advice". But I was already happy to have a diagnosis.
I knew him for years (thru my sister, who is ill since more than 12 years) so I wasn't surprise.
But that is my experience. Maybe it will be different with you.

If you want more information, send me a message.

Have a good day

i just came back from oslo and my first visit. i can't stop thinking about it, so much hope...
he also told me like you Clodomir that i had a gut problem, what pills did he put you on? did it help?

he gave me a very good prognossis and was very helpfull with my questions. but i am worried, ( i have become quite pessemistic from this disease) he is a gut doctor so of course he says it is thye gut ( just like my gynecologist says it is oestrogen and my therapist says it is psycological)

I will follow his advice and try what he gives me but i am thrown between hope and despair, soo much money and time and what if it doesn't work, i'll be heartbroken again...

but it was great discussing ME with someone who actually knows what it is!


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hi Alexa, i'm glad ypour appointment went well.
Please keep us updated on your treatment and progress, all the best, Justy.


Where is the sun?
i just came back from oslo and my first visit. i can't stop thinking about it, so much hope...
he also told me like you Clodomir that i had a gut problem, what pills did he put you on? did it help?

he gave me a very good prognossis and was very helpfull with my questions. but i am worried, ( i have become quite pessemistic from this disease) he is a gut doctor so of course he says it is thye gut ( just like my gynecologist says it is oestrogen and my therapist says it is psycological)

I will follow his advice and try what he gives me but i am thrown between hope and despair, soo much money and time and what if it doesn't work, i'll be heartbroken again...

but it was great discussing ME with someone who actually knows what it is!

Hi Alexa,

happy to hear that everything goes as you wanted.
My symptoms are: great fatigue, joint and muscular pain, lose of weight and sometimes headache, i am sometimes in the "fog", memory problems.
I don't know what are your problems.
So He gave me first:
Ubiquinol Q10
Yaeyama Chlorella
The to last are medications to help the pancreas.
and since august I take GcMaf (50ng)
I feel better and better since last month (begin of january). It didn't get worse but, I feel that anything happened now. The only thing I know is that the weather as a big influence on my health, and now it is cold...
I know that I will never recover, maybe I will have some relapse (hope so).
I hope that one day I will be able to go to take my children's from school, but when?
The only thing I know, is that in Belgium, he is the only one who understand what I feel and what are my symptoms.
ME/CFS is not ONE disease, it is different diseases, but with one name.
I just talk to my sister last day and she said that she think we haven't the same thing, and it is thru. She has cardiac problems, I don't, etc..
Try to be positive. I Know, it isn't easy. Last night, I was in cry... but as I read on this forum, someone said: if you can response to this question, your not depressed:
If you could be cure, what would you do?

So, I hope that you are going to be better and that the treatment will give you a better life.

Have a good day

Manchester, UK
Hi all,

Im new to this forum (just joined today). IM due to have my initial consultation with KDM this month (13/14th), does anybody know or couls anyone tell me how long you need to wait between the initial consult when you can start the treatment?? Any info on this or anything else relating to KDM treatment would be much appreciated.

all the best,


Where is the sun?
Hi all,

Im new to this forum (just joined today). IM due to have my initial consultation with KDM this month (13/14th), does anybody know or couls anyone tell me how long you need to wait between the initial consult when you can start the treatment?? Any info on this or anything else relating to KDM treatment would be much appreciated.

all the best,

Hi Da,

I was just consulting my paper this morning because I have a meeting with the doctor of the Social Security (a sort of NHS) at 10 o'clock.
I am belgian.
First appointment with KDM: end january 2011
First analysis: 15 february 2011
Second appointment and first medication 05 april 2011
I think, he goes maybe a little bit different with foreigners and it also depends on the analysis. Some of them take nearly 2 month.

Have a good day



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi all,

Im new to this forum (just joined today). IM due to have my initial consultation with KDM this month (13/14th), does anybody know or couls anyone tell me how long you need to wait between the initial consult when you can start the treatment?? Any info on this or anything else relating to KDM treatment would be much appreciated.

all the best,

Hi Dan,

If you want to look for me on chat (click on chat next to my name in the list that pops up in the lower right hand side of the page) if I am there I can give you some information.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
Appointment with KDM

Hi guys,

I'm new to this thing and this is my first thread but I've recently seen KDM so I thought i'd let you know how it went. My appointment was in October and I am yet to receive my treatment plan (however, this could be because the labs/clinic closed over new year/xmas so it may have taken longer).. It should be in any week now. KDM also told me i have gut problems after talking to me for a couple of minutes. He was very specific though, as I have been battling strep, staph, enterococcus etc for years. From what I know, I don't have any virus so its gotta be that (or i might be psychotic and making it up like all the other doctors so far have thought haha) I have found that eliminating a whole heap of foods which I am intolerant to (but didn't know about) has helped me heaps.. Im also taking USANA multivitamins, adrenal supplements, alginol and digestive enzymes.. and i have improved about 15% just from that.. So i'm very excited to get the treatment plan and hopefully that will help things along even further.

How are you all doing on KDM's treatment plan? Alexa, the results might take a while but from what i understand, they are very thorough. He also did an ultrasound on me and showed me problems with my heart, and answered all sorts of questions. The one thing I am wondering though- if anyone may be able to answer- is why the pupils in my eyes keep expanding and constricting all day every day? KDM briefly said that its due to the intoxication from the stomach bacteria, but I can barely see and need sunglasses, even inside. Has anyone else come across something like this? I will let you all know as soon as I get my treatment plan and what it reveals.

Wishing you all lots of good health and i hope and pray the treatment plan works for everyone :))))

How much is consulting KDM including lab tests?
How long do you have to wait for the first appointement?
Do the people who have been at his office think it was worth it?


Senior Member
All up, it was about 4k.. pretty pricey. I also flew there from Australia, which added to the costs.

I had to wait 2 months for an appointment, but i'm international.. not sure how long the wait is for nationals.

The other patients thought it was well worth it, one lady even said that he healed her completely in 2yrs. But i did see others coming to receive GcMaf who have been coming for some time.
4k is 4000$? (Sorry if this a stupid question...)
Thats indeed a lot.

Has anybody been treated by him who overreacts to every medicine and cant take anything. If he can fix this i would love to spend the money. But if he prescribes stuff my gut doesnt tolerate id rather spend the money in a different way...


Senior Member
yeah 4000, its a lot.. but hopefully will be worth it.

i'm allergic to about 12 different types of medications so KDM said he will work around that and find something that will work.. ill let you know what he says when i get the treatment plan..