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Another blog with misinformation


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
The second link on the first post goes to the revised version. Looks like he did take it seriously and change it. Nice job, everyone.

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
The second link on the first post goes to the revised version. Looks like he did take it seriously and change it. Nice job, everyone.

I did not think that we could make a difference. I guess it does work since Dr. John keeps writing letters to different newspapers.

I think it would be a good idea to have ONE (central) thread called - BLOGS with misinformation. Everyone could post their finds and together we could react. Who else thinks it's a good idea?


Senior Member
I think it's a great idea! A good way for me to feel like I'm doing something.

I also keep a record if my past comments in a word doc so it's easier to cut & paste stuff together/ get ideas

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
I think it's a great idea! A good way for me to feel like I'm doing something.

I also keep a record if my past comments in a word doc so it's easier to cut & paste stuff together/ get ideas

WONDERFUL! I feel the same way. I can't do much here, but every little bit counts.

It will be the two of us for now... until we get more people. ;-)

We should have a name - the 'something' squad
or the 'something' club. It would be fun!

I love the idea of keeping a file of things you have already written.